Don't Get Carried Away…

Carryover requests should always be submitted:
– In a timely manner – the earlier the better
– Include a budget with proper justification
– Include a copy of the latest financial status report, if available.

The carryover request should be signed by the Principal Investigator and have Institutional approval, primarily the Office of Sponsored Programs. Some sponsors may want a financial official to approve the request (the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting). If that is the case, the OGCA will sign, if warranted, and route the request through the OSP.

In the current economic environment of Federal budget deficits and a recession it is more important than ever to prepare these requests carefully, and complete them in a timely manner. Later, large and/or complicated requests splitting the carryover between years are encountering strong resistance. Many sponsors are looking for ways to recoup funding on old projects in order to help fund their newer projects. Sponsors are reviewing all requests more carefully, even routine ones, and many times asking for more detailed supportive information. Emory has had requests turned down.

If you ask for a carryover, follow up to make sure the sponsor has received the request. Use the conversation to get a sense if it will be processed quickly and approved. If not, ask if any additional information is needed and then provide it quickly. The sponsor does not have to approve a request. Emory has to convince them that the request is absolutely needed to accomplish the goals and objectives of the award. Forewarned is forearmed.