New Contract Templates

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) recently created several new contract templates. The purpose of the templates is threefold. first, the use of the templates should reduce the time it normally takes to negotiate sponsored research and other related agreements. Second, the use of the templates will ensure consistency with respect to Emory’s negotiation positions (specifically identifying the terms that Emory generally accepts). Finally, the templates are available as boiler plates for use by sponsors who do not have an applicable agreement.

To date, the following templates are available on the OSP website:
OSP Website

  • Data Use Agreement
  • Sponsored Research Agreement
  • Research Services Agreement
  • Clinical Trial Agreement
  • Mutual Non-Disclosure (confidentiality) agreement

Each template was created for a specific type of industry/corporate sponsored clinical research or related activity; however, some templates may also be used for non-clinical sponsored research activities.

Specific templates for non-clinical sponsored research activities, such as Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) projects are in process and will be posted on the OSP website in the near future.

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