New TEC Process for Clinical Research Billing

The Emory Clinic Patient Financial Services (TEC) and The Office for Clinical Research (OCR) have been working to improve and ensure proper research billing for patients who are in a clinical trial. there are several key enhancements including OCR’s new Emory Research Management System (submission of billing forms), visit-level patient cases, and a clinical trials indicator flag in the clinic’s billing system (IDX), which have helped to improve this process. Additionally, patients’ clinic bills are flagged with a Transaction Edit System (TES) so that the clinic bill will not drop to a claim to the appropriate payer until it has been validated to ensure that the billing follows the PRA developed by OCR.

The Emory Clinic is pleased to announce that beginning July 1, 2010 TEC Patient Financial services will be the primary point of contact for research billing questions related to services billed by The Emory Clinic. Please visit the link here to learn more about the clinical trials billing initiatives and primary contact information. As always, The Emory Clinic will continue to work closely with the OCR post-award team.

If you currently have any patients on bill hold with OCR, these will be transitioned to TEC Patient Financial Services on july 1 as part of the new process. You will receive an e-mail from OCR regarding this change. Please note that this change only affects charges billed through TEC. The process for charges billed by either Emory University Hospital or Emory University Hospital Midtown will remain the same.

Questions about this process should be addressed to Chaunda Mitchell, 404-778-2676

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