Receiver Changes on Subcontract Purchase Orders

The inability to change the “receiver” in a subcontract purchase order has created numerous issues and delays on campus and to our subcontractors receiving timely payments. Because of this, OSP and Procurement have worked with the Emory Express vendor to find a viable solution. As a result, all receiver change requests should be sent to OSP, who will forward them to purchasing using the established process.

To request a change of receiver, please send an e-mail to the OSP listserv at OSP-SUBCONTRACTS@LISTSERV.CC.EMORY.EDU. In the subject line of the email, please put Request for Receiver Change. In the body of the message, please cite the exact PO number and the name and e-mail address of the individual who should be the new receiver. If you need to change multiple PO’s to the same receiver, you may do so in a single e-mail, but please be sure to clearly describe the action needed.

While we know that it’s impossible to control when staff choose to leave or move to other departments within the institution, as with other after-the-fact changes of this nature, the correction process is manual and somewhat time-consuming. We appreciate every effort to be sure that the correect receiver is named in the original request and that any changes are requested in a timely manner.

Questions? Please contact Holly Sommers at

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