Emory Research A to Z (ERAZ) is a new, bi-monthly meeting aimed at increasing awareness by providing information to the Emory Research community. Organized by the Office of Research Administration, ERAZ encourages participation from all of the Emory Research Offices, including the Institutional Review Board, Office of Technology Transfer, Offices of Sponsored Programs and Grants and Contracts Accounting, Environmental Health and Safety, Conflict of Interest, clinical Research and the Animal Care and Use Committee.
The first ERAZ meeting took place in January and included information on Cayuse and the OSP Contracts Database. The next meeting, which will include the VP, the Assoc VP’s and Directors of Research, will take place on March 17th from 1-2:30 pm in the WHSCAB Auditorium. The upcoming ERAZ schedule is below
- May 19th, 9:30-11:00a.m.
- July 21st, 9:30-11:00a.m.
- September 15th, 9:30-11:00a.m.
- November 17th, 9:30-11:00a.m.
All ERAZ meetings will be held on the third Thursday of the odd-numbered months in the Woodruff Health Sciences Administration Building (WHSCAB)
Future topics will include Occupational Medicine, Hazardous Waste Program Updates, IRB Review and Approvals, Allocating Grant Payments, Effort Reporting, IACUC FAQs, COI, IP Ownership when consulting and many others.
For more information on ERAZ, please see here
To subscribe to the ERAZ listserv, please visit here