Q. How do I add Emory employees to my proposal in Cayuse?
A. If you are unable to add an Emory employee to a proposal in Cayuse, this person does not currently have a Professional Profile in Cayuse. Only those with Compass Grants access at the time that Cayuse went live were given a Professional Profile. A profile will need to be created for him/her in Cayuse. This can be accomplished by going to the People Tab and Creating a Person. More detailed instructions can be found in the training modules available on the OSP/Cayuse Website: http://www.osp.emory.edu/electronic/cayuse424/index.cfm
Please note that this does not give the person access to Cayuse. If the person will need to view the proposal as well, contact PSGrants@emory.edu and request access for him/her to the Cayuse system.