How to Run a List of Awards About to End

This query allows you to choose a department or range of department ID’s and a date range to see all awards that are ending in that date range.

This query allows you to choose a department or range of department ID’s and a date range to see all projects in the chosen department that are ending.

This query allows you to choose a department or range of department ID’s and a date range to see all awards in the chose department that are ending along with the associated project numbers.

Once it is determined which grants are ending, the following reports/queries can help determine its the financial status:

  • SPP2242 (nVision)
  • SPP (FORS)
  • EUOGC014 – GM Project Summary (Custom Report)

Another way to quickly see the financial status of grants that are ending is to review the Grant Quick View page in Compass.

-Grants Quick View
– PI Awards/Proposals
– Award Summary
– Project Summary

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