New F&A Rate Agreement

Emory University has concluded negotiations with the Department of Health and Hu- man Services (DHHS) regarding the University’s F&A rates. This memo serves as

an immediate notice of the new F&A rates that should be used when preparing pro- posal budgets for prospective awards with project periods in fiscal 2013 and future years.  The official agreement, dated February 6, 2012, officially covers fiscal years 2011 through 2015, although rates are only “new” for fiscal years 2013 – 2015.

The table below reflects the current and new rates that will be covered by the new agreement:

Emory University F&A Rates- Federal

FY Organized Research Other Sponsored Activities Instruction
  On Off Adj On Off Adj On Off Adj
FY11 55.0% 26.0% 29.1% 36.3% 25.5% 26.5% 52.0% 26.0% 38.7%
FY12 55.0% 26.0% 29.1% 36.3% 25.5% 26.5% 52.0% 26.0% 38.7%
FY13 56.0% 26.0% 28.2% 39.0% 26.0% 27.8% 55.0% 26.0% 37.5%
FY14 56.0% 26.0% 28.2% 39.0% 26.0% 27.8% 55.0% 26.0% 37.5%
FY15 56.0% 26.0% 28.2% 39.0% 26.0% 27.8% 55.0% 26.0% 37.5%

* Note that for periods beyond 8/31/15, the FY15 rates should be used until a new nego- tiated rate is communicated.

The table below reflects the current rates for the Yerkes National Primate Center:

Yerkes National Primate Center – F&A Rates

  P-51 Non-P51
FY11 44.0% 76.0%
FY12 44.0% 76.0%
FY13 45.0% 78.5%
FY14 45.0% 78.5%
FY15 45.0% 78.5%

For proposals, please reference the following table:

Type of Proposal Applicable F&A Rate
New Proposal New Rates
Renewal (Competing Continuation) Proposal New Rates
Non-Competing Continuation Proposal on

Existing Federal Award

Use the F&A rate at which it was originally awarded throughout the life of the competitive segment.
Non-Competing Continuation Proposal on

Existing Non-Federal Award

Use the F&A rate at which it was originally awarded throughout the life of the competitive segment.
Supplemental Proposal on Existing Federal


New Rates
Supplemental Proposal on Existing

Non-Federal Award

New Rates

For awards, we will apply the new rates only to new and renewal awards issued on

or after September 1, 2012. OSP will work with the sponsor to ensure that all grants awarded on or after September 1, 2012 are either awarded with the new F&A rate or are subsequently revised to incorporate the new rate, regardless of the rate specified at the time of proposal submission.

The official rate agreement has been posted to the OGCA and OSP websites: www.ogca. and If you have any questions, please contact Josh Rosenberg at (404) 727-1677 (

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