New Grants Management Class

Managing Sponsored Projects in Compass

Compass Training

Managing Sponsored Projects in Compass is a program which includes two new training courses that are being offered for Emory University research administrators who are responsi- ble for managing sponsored grants and contracts. These have been designed for those administering awards at the Non- Central level (departmental and/or school administrators). The principles that will be covered apply to award setup, managing and reconciling an award, billing an award, and award closeout. This class provides an overview on how to manage awards in Compass.

Managing Sponsored Projects in Compass, Level 1

This class covers the concepts involved in managing an award from start to end. In this class, award setup, monthly analy- sis using project resource transactions, and award closeout will be covered. The class provides the skills to manage and improve your current process of award management. Please sign up for one of the three times offered below through the Emory Learning Management System:

•   April 4, 2012  9:30 – noon        1599 Clifton Rd, 1st Floor training Rm computer lab

•   May 9, 2012   9:30 – noon        1599 Clifton Rd, 1st Floor training Rm computer lab

•   May 16, 2012  9:30 – noon       1599 Clifton Rd, 1st Floor

training Rm computer lab

Managing Sponsored Projects in Compass, Level 2

This course has been designed to provide an understanding of the billing process to staff outside of OGCA. In this class, you will be introduced to each expense transaction on awards, their billing identifier type of BIL, OLT, BLD, and accounts receivable. This class provides the skills to ensure that all transactions are eligible for billing to the spon- sor. Please sign up for one of the three times offered below through the Emory Learning Management System:

•   May 24, 2012 9:30 – 11:30       1599 Clifton Rd, 1st Floor training Rm computer lab

•   June 21, 2012 1:30 – 3:30 1599 Clifton Rd, 1st Floor training Rm computer lab

•   July 19, 2012  9:30 – 11:30       1599 Clifton Rd, 1st Floor training Rm computer lab

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Bullard at 404-727-5591 or


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