Subject: New Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Summary Report is Available in FORS to Assist with Managing Sponsored Projects

Quick Summary

•   A new Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Summary Report is available in FORS.

•   The report provides a snapshot of the cash and budget positions for specific awards.

•   Detailed information is available through 1-click drill-downs.

University Only

A new Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Summary Report for sponsored projects is available in Financial Online Reporting Services (FORS).  The report provides a snap- shot of the cash and budget positions for specific awards to assist you with managing sponsored projects.

Report Layers

The report provides the following multiple layers of information, which are available through 1-click drill downs:

•   Award Level (Emory University Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Summary Re- port):  This level shows the asset and liability positions, as well as the available bal- ance, of each award associated with a department.  From this level you can drill down to see the projects associated with a specific award.

•   Projects Level (Emory University Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Detail Report): This level lists the projects associated with a specific award, showing the asset and liability positions, as well as the available balance, of each project.

•   Transactions Level (Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Accounts Receivable Detail Report):  This level lists the Life-To-Date (LTD) transactions for account 14650 – Accounts Receivable Sponsored Research – and includes details for the journal line item.

Selection Criteria and Award Information

The Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Summary Report provides information for all awards that have a project associated with a department, so you will be required to select an operating unit and a department within that operating unit from drop-down lists to run the report. This will give you a list of all awards that have a project associ- ated with the department you selected, including awards split across more than one department. You will see all financial data for each award listed, even if the award is split across departments.

Note: Enhancements are being considered for a subsequent version of this report.

How to Run the Report

Follow these steps to run the Balance Sheet Summary Report:

Step Action Display

1 Go to FORS at


2 Click Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Summary

3 Select a period within the fiscal year, an operating unit, and a de- partment from the drop-downs.


4 Click the View Report button in the upper right of the screen.

The Emory University Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Sum- mary displays.


5 Click the award name in the Award column to drill down.

The Emory University Sponsored Research Balance Sheet Detail Report displays.

6 Click an amount in the 14650 AR Spnsrd Rsrch column.

The Cash Balance Accounts Receivable Detail Report displays.

Report totals are shown in the last row of each report.


If you have questions about the Balance Sheet Summary Report, contact Jessica Ad- ams at

If you have Grants questions related to the Balance Sheet Summary Report, contact

James Goff at


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