NSF Enhances Research.gov

On March 18, 2013, the National Science Foundation (NSF) transitioned all project reporting from FastLane to Research.gov.  Since launching the service to all awardees, NSF has received feedback to help prioritize fixes and enhancements.

This August, improvements are coming to Research.gov that will advance project report submission, including:

  • Research.gov will soon permit you to click a “check report completeness” link to easily determine the section(s) of a project report that are incomplete.
  • Character count will only include visible characters.
  • Enter an unlimited number of products and/or participants to project reports. Currently, Research.gov prevents you from entering more than 127 products and/or participants.
  • You are currently not permitted to delete a participant if you inadvertently label them as a PI or a co-PI. Research.gov currently pre-populates the report with the PI and co-PIs based on the information from the award. With the upcoming improvements, the system will no longer allow you to add new participants with the PI or co-PI role. This change will eliminate errors from occurring.
  • Currently, Research.gov requires you to enter a publication day, month, and year on all publications, regardless of their status.  The system will change so that:
    • Publications listed as “published” will require the year only.
    • Publications listed as “under review, awaiting publication, submitted, accepted, or other” will not require a date.
    • Finally, Research.gov will no longer require you to enter volume or page number.

If you have questions or would like to provide feedback regarding Research.gov you can send an email to feedback@research.gov.

Taken from the National Science Foundation



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