Significant Emory HIPAA Policy Changes: Effective September 1, 2016

As previously announced, significant Emory HIPAA policy changes were to be effective pending changes to the HIPAA sections of our electronic IRB submission system.  The testing is concluded, and the effective date of the updated HIPAA policy will be September 1, 2016.  All studies created on or after this date will fall under the updated policy.

For more information about the changes, please refer to the recording of our live webinar on August 11, 2016 (slides).

Note that if you believe an upcoming study will no longer fall under HIPAA rules per the updated policy, you may choose to withdraw anything in “pre-submission” state and start fresh to benefit from the updated smart forms. If you wish to discuss HIPAA implications for studies already in the midst of IRB review, please contact the Director or a Team Lead.  For contact information, please go to our “Staff & Members” section.

Maria G. Davila CIP, CCRC
QA and Education Team Lead

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