Effective October 1: IRB Protocol and Consent Template Updates

The IRB has released new protocol and consent templates for biomedical research, available on the IRB website. Additional templates will be updated in the near future.

Biomedical Protocol updates include:

  • Clarity around information needed
  • Attestation checkboxes
  • Removal of the checklist
  • DSMP questionnaire now embedded within the protocol
  • Updated DSMP charts

Biomedical Consent updates include:

  • More lay friendly language and formatting
  • Clearer instructional text
  • Modular language now embedded within the consent
  • Consolidation of cost and injury language options

New Templates Required: October 1st

  • Biomedical studies created on or after October 1st in eIRB are required to use the updated protocol and consent templates.

Biomedical studies created before October 1st may use the previous version of the templates. We encourage you to use the updated templates, though, as we hope they will result in more efficient IRB review.