Preparing Supplemental Funding Requests in Research.gov and Upcoming FastLane Proposal Decommissioning Deadlines
*The below message was shared on behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF)* Dear Colleagues: We are pleased to announce that supplemental funding requests including Career-Life Balance requests can now be prepared in Research.gov. Supplemental funding requests can be submitted in Research.gov regardless of the system used (Research.gov, FastLane, or Grants.gov) for proposal submission. FastLane…
NIH Announces new “FORMS-E” Grant Application Forms and Instructions, Effective January 25, 2018
NIH has announced that there will be changes to its grant application forms and application guide instructions for all proposals with due dates on or after January 25, 2018. The new “FORMS-E” package will include the consolidation of human subjects, inclusion enrollment and clinical trial information, the expansion and use of discrete form fields…