Brantley Holland Final Proposal

After recent discussions between the administration of St. Mary’s hospital and the Catholic Church, both parties have agreed that it has come time to change the relationship St. Mary’s and the Church once had. St. Mary’s has been reclassified to a non-denominational private hospital. Any medical or administrative personnel officially affiliated with the Church is no longer be employed by the hospital. To reaffirm this decision, the hospital has renamed itself to Sasquatch Community Hospital. Along with renaming the hospital, SCH will be filling all administrative positions left vacant from this change with qualified Sasquatch residences.

In addition to these changes, SCH commissioned the formation of an ethics committee tasked with writing a new set of hospital policies. Catholic doctrine was regularly used to justification many of the decisions made at St. Mary’s, but at SCH this means of reasoning will no longer be considered sufficient for deciding hospital policy. As such all policies which were made in this way needed to be reviewed by this newly formed ethics committee. To ensure that any policy decisions were made in a manner representative of the new vision Sasquatch Community Hospital has for itself, a great deal of care was put into deciding who should sit on the committee.

Due to the rural nature of Sasquatch, Connecticut, SCH is the only major healthcare provider available to many of its residents. It was imperative that the committee be able to account for the diverse health requirements of Sasquatch residences, while at the same time not compromising our community values. Using a similar model to President Bush’s own council on Bioethics, the hospital appointed me, Dr. Holland, to be the chairman of this committee. My first task was to decide what such an ethics committee should look like and by what means it should be formed. I looked to the wisdom of President Bush’s own council chairman, Leon Kass, to help guide me during this process. In “Reflections on Public Bioethics: A View from the Trenches,” Leon Kass speaks about some of the roadblocks his committee faced. He points out how his committee struggled to find legitimacy within the scientific community, an important audience his committee needed to persuade, due to the circumstances under which it was commissioned. Regardless of the fact that the committee’s goal was “to help protect society’s basic values,” the origins of his committee continues to plague their findings even today (Kass 241). I saw this as a warning to myself that I should be careful in how I assemble my committee, but I also felt that his essay illustrated the power to which a committee’s origins can affect the interpretations of its findings. I hoped to use this to my advantage by finding a means in which my committee could be formed that gave it additional legitimacy in the eyes of the hospital’s new administration and the people of Sasquatch.

In order to accomplish this, I felt it was imperative to allow the residents of Sasquatch to have a say in the composition of their hospital’s ethics committee. This was done by first reaching out to the local government and holding multiple town meetings to hear the community’s thoughts on what such a committee should look like. Using the information gathered from these meetings, I was able compile a list of 40 potential local community leaders to invite to sit on the committee. This was then brought before the community once more, and 20 members were voted to serve as the hospital’s ethics committee. In addition to the 20 members picked by the community, the hospital administration included 10 additional people it felt had the expertise to help lead these members to a practical consensus.


With the guidance of SCH’s newly formed ethics committee, the hospital’s administration has chosen to examine the basis for which St. Mary’s hospital policy was formed iand compile a list of revisions which fall in line with the new identity of the hospital. Not every decision made will result in a change in policy, but the process by which we come to our conclusions will look markedly different. All decisions have been made with extra consider for the needs of Sasquatch residents and the values we uphold as a community. The hospital is also bound by practical limitations as all hospitals are. SCH would love to provide everyone with the healthcare that they feel is right for them, but what is right for one person may not be right for a community or an institution. When these conflicts arouse tough decisions had to be made. We hope that by being transparent about the process in which we came to our conclusions, we will be able to implement these changes as smoothly as possible.

We will begin first by highlighting some of the new procedures SCH is proud to be offering Sasquatch. The first is the procedure of In Vitro Fertilization. St. Mary’s did not provide this procedure as it went against the Magisterium’s teachings on the right to life and dignity of marriage (Donum Vitae, 158). The Catholic Church places a large emphasis on the sanctity of human life and the institution of marriage and SCH wishes not to stray far from what the church has to say about such manners. We hope to employ the same cautious approach to all procedures which have the potential to violate the dignity of human life or the institute of marriage. However, SCH does digress from the Church in what it constitutes as a violation of these sacred institutes. The Donum Vitae states that “artificial fertilization is contrary to the unity of marriage, to the dignity of the spouses, to the vocation proper to parents and the child’s right to be conceived and brought into the world in marriage and from marriage (Donum Vitae, 159).”  Catholic doctrine also wishes for all humans to “conform their actions to the creative intention of God” and any modifications to the model of reproduction given to man by God, such as IVF, violates the clear intentions of God’s creation and should be prohibited (Humanea Vitea). SCH’s new administration recognizes these sentiments but does not feel it holds the authority to decide whether or not other community members should be bound by these same rules. Some members of the committee cited how many Hindu myths revolve around “the active role some women take in controlling their reproductive choices” as an integral part of a woman spiritual journey to motherhood (Bhattacharyya, 6). Other citizens see their ability to reproduce as a means of anchoring their place in society and feel as though existing within their religious cosmology is more important to their beliefs than any institution could be (Kahn 44). Still others in our town, such as those in our Jewish communities, may agree that it is important to remain within the reproductive framework the Lord has given them but disagree with Catholics on what that framework constitutes. In light of all of these facts, it seems our community disagrees on what constitutes a violation to the institution of marriage or God’s plan, and as such SCH feels they have no place in making this distinction for its citizens.

Still, several members of the committee shared reservations concerning other ethical dilemmas which may arise during the IVF process. It is an unfortunate fact that during the procedure of IVF many embryos are created, but only one of them is carried to term (Brockopp and Eich, 61). This is another qualm the Church has with the use of IVF and was the major reason IVF was never offered at St. Mary’s. The fear that by condoning IVF, the hospital will play a direct role in the creation and destruction of human life is of much importance to SCH’s administration. It was at this crossroads that the ethics committee went back to the community for guidance once more. Using a method similar to what Sue Kahn did when writing Reproducing Jew, the committee set out to interview the medical professionals currently working at IVF clinics in similar areas to ours, as well as the women who wished to seek this treatment at SCH (Kahn 4). Through these interviews the committee learned that the desire to use IVF was not restricted to Israeli citizens, or even the Jewish women in our own community. All the women and medical personnel we heard from told stories about the effects infertility can have on a women’s life and her place in society (Kahn, 3). The lengths to which many women expressed they would go to become mothers was inspiring and reminded the committee of how important these technologies are to our community (Made in India). By seeing these stories and the impact IVF could have on the well-being of families, the committee was able to unanimously support the implementation of IVF given that additional considerations were taken to mitigate any risk of violating the dignity of the embryos created through this process.

One of these stipulations, suggested by committee member Dr. Batt, was the formation of a review board to oversee all IVF procedures with the purpose of ensuring that “only one embryo is created at once and that it is handled with the ‘utmost dignity and care.’” All committee members agreed that reducing the number of embryos created during each IVF procedure would constitute a moral good, however by doing this the hospital would be requiring that women seeking IVF be subject to multiple rounds of hormone treatment which is generally considered unsafe (Brockopp and Eich, 61). Due to this the committee did not feel that this was a feasible option at this time. However, the idea of a review board overseeing each IVF procedure and ensuring that staff taking the “utmost dignity and care” during these procedures was extremely popular.

The administration asked that a small review board be assembled from staff members currently employed at SCH with the duty of protecting the rights of the embryos during each IVF procedure. This board is to operate in a similar fashion to the existing ones found in Israel which are overseen by the PU’AH group (Kahn 89). In addition to their obligations to the embryos created, the board will also have the duty of deciding whether a woman qualifies for IVF treatment. In an attempt to reduce the number of embryos destroyed at SCH, IVF will not be made available to all woman of Sasquatch. IVF will be restricted to women and couples who have been unsuccessful in reproducing through other means, and who are not of the financial standing to afford more expensive, but less risky procedures such as surrogacy. A special exception from this rule will be made to patients who have religious conflicts with the use of other forms of artificial reproduction technologies. An example of this would be individuals within our Jewish communities whose “halachah (religious law) makes no provision for the formal transference of maternal identity from a birth mother to another woman-the birth mother remains the mother for many halachic purposes no matter who may raise the child,” making the use of technologies such as surrogacy complicated (Seeman, 342). By drawing up these policies, we hope to strike a balance between the needs our patients, while not compromising any of the community’s values.

By offering IVF, SCH must make guidelines on proper procedures for disposing of all unused embryos created during the process of IVF. It is the goal of Sasquatch Community Hospital to place moral decision making into the hands of its patients whenever possible and this is one of those times where we feel giving our patients autonomy to decide what is best for them is the right thing to do. During the committee’s deliberations it became clear that the members of our community hold different beliefs on when human life begins and even what the definition of an embryo is (Brockopp and Eich, 65). Many pointed out that almost all religions have unique stories describing the formation of a fetus within a womb. Judeo-Christian religions often point to in Psalms 139:13, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” to show the role that God has a hand in our creation from the first steps of development. While Hindu scriptures believe “The fetus is produced out of the Soul” when the soul enters the fetus, which often occurs at the time of conception. However, this can only occur within the setting of a uterus (Bhattacharyya 85). In order to account for these varying views, the hospital has set up a framework by which the parents of these embryo are allowed to decide their preferred method of disposal. The ethics committee has drawn up pamphlets which are to be given out to patients at the beginning of the IVF process which outline a variety of options. If the patients wish to donate their embryos to scientific organizations, then a list of different research groups will be provided, and they will have the option to choose the group which they would prefer it be donated to. If they do not wish to donate their embryos, then all unused embryos will be disposed using similar methods to other IVF clinics in the country.

During the committees deliberation’s many members realized that due to the complexity of these bioethical issues, many of the patients presented with these problems may not have a clear understanding of what their religion has to say about, if anything, these medical procedures (Stolow 144). The hospital felt it had a duty to reduce such instances and in order to ensure all SCH patients have access to the appropriate religious counsel at all times, it would like to make open a communal worship space dedicated to religious counseling of all kinds. This will have no effect on the Catholic chaplains who are currently operating in the hospital and the space which has been historically dedicated to them will to be allowed to stay open. While they will continue to enjoy the full support of the SCH administration, the portion of the annual budget which was once dedicated exclusively to these chaplains will have to be shared with all religious leaders who may have a need for it.

SCH’s new commitment to religious diversity is rooted in a belief that access to the appropriate counsel can play an integral role in the healing process. SCH provides more services than just IVF, and many clinical studies have shown the benefits religion can have on the success of patient treatment (Coruh et al). By mirroring Sasquatch’s religious diversity within our hospital, we hope to see improvements in our own medical treatments as well as patient satisfaction.

Abortion services will not be provided to patients at SCH under any circumstances. This was not an easy decision for the administration to make it was not one done flippantly. The committee recommended that the hospital begin allowing abortion services with no restrictions. They came to this conclusion using similar reasoning used for condoning IVF procedures. However, SCH understands that this is not the view shared by many of our residents, and that due to the political climate surrounding abortions, the issue needs to be considered within the proper cultural setting. Abortion represents more than a moral qualm in the American psyche, and this is seen best “Contested Lives” where Faye Ginsburg describes how women from both pro-life and pro-choice sides see “their work as a corrective to, cultural currents” and have such an intimate relationship with their role in the movement that it has become the basis by “which their own moral identity is drawn” (Ginsburg 128). Sasquatches views on abortion are no different, and many within our community have themselves constructed moral constructs surrounded around the idea of abortion. We recognize that to stay in line with the other statements SCH has illustrated in this text, abortion services would be provided with no limitations, but due to the importance of this issue, we cannot currently condone such procedures be performed at ours facilities. The Catholic Church’s involvement in the origin of this movement can also not be understated. SCH feels that this departure from our Catholic origins is too abrupt for both its staff and community. It is a legitimate fear of this administration that the staff and citizens of Sasquatch will prioritize their beliefs on abortion to such an extent that it will have decrease their willingness to seek out healthcare in non-emergency situations. It is the goal of the committee and administration to consider all viewpoints on these issues and decide based on what would provide the community with the best available healthcare. So, it is the decision of this administration to break with the committee’s recommendation in the hopes of preserving the unity of our hospital and the relationship it has built with the community.

With regards to St. Mary’s approach to amniocentesis and prenatal testing, day to day operations of such procedures will change very little. However, the policies of administration surrounding such procedures will change. St. Mary’s offered prenatal testing at the recommendation of a doctor but going forward we feel as though it is best to allow mothers to seek this choice free from any obstruction. One objection to allowing such a change is that more mothers will seek an amniocentesis with the idea that if the diagnosis comes back positive for a terminal disease or disorder the mother may seek to terminate the pregnancy (Donum Vitae 1987). Since such types of abortions will not be performed at SCH, we have the moral freedom to fully endorse the use of this procedure. In allowing anyone to seek request and amniocentesis we are allowing mothers an opportunity to have the pregnancy experience they feel is best suited to their needs. However, SCH is aware of the propensity for some doctors to place their own beliefs onto their patients through indirect means such as aggressively recommending tests, and genetic counselors are not immune to this bias (Ivry 74). SCH does not wish to contribute to a culture in which our patients feel it is necessary for them to have an amniocentesis and we will be teaching all genetic counselors and doctors on proper ways of advising their patients so that all mothers have the amount of medical information that they desire (Ivry 76).

These are all the new procedures which will be offered at SCH for now, but there are a few things left to address regarding the implementation of these policies. St. Mary’s used to provide subsidizes to under-insured patients who were unable to afford their medical bills. This funding came primarily from prominent Catholic officials and families within our communities. We understand the reservations these donors may have towards donating to SCH in light of these changes. Traditionally donations have been made to the hospital and the administrators have allocated it as they see fit. This will no longer be the case, and in the form used to donate money to the hospital a new stipulation has been added to allow donors to strictly prohibit their funds from being used in any manner they deem undesirable. In addition to this, we will also be allowing people to stipulate where they would like to see their funds go to. If a citizen of Sasquatch did not donate to SCH due to its association with the Catholic Church, we would like to invite you now to donate free of these reservations. By instituting this change, we hope to keep all historical donors while also drawing in a new set of donors which can help SCH better serve its community.

All of these changes will take time to implement and many things need to occur before any of the procedures will be made available to the public. During this time all staff currently employed at SCH are asked to come forward if they have any problems with the new changes or feel any part of these new policies will affect their ability to do their job. SCH wishes not to punish any staff members who feel they cannot morally perform any of these procedures and the administration promises to work with the staff to ensure these changes go over smoothly. SCH will not be hiring any additional workers to help with these procedures and it is our plan to train existing staff members on how to perform them. All staff who do feel comfortable performing these additional services are encouraged to step forward. As a way of showing SCH’s appreciation for these employees, anyone willing to assist in implementing these policies will be given a small raise in addition to any additional compensation for hours worked while training for these positions.  The administration looks forward to the new ways in which our hospital will serve our community and hope that all the procedures SCH is offering will be warmly embraced by the Sasquatch community and SCH staff members alike.













Work Cited

Coruh B, Ayele H, Pugh M, Mulligan T. Does religious activity improve health outcomes? A    critical review of the recent literature. Explore (NY) (2005) 1(3):186–91. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2005.02.001

Donum Vitae = the Gift of Life: Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin : and on the Dignity of Procreation : [replies to Certain Questions of the Day]. Washington, D.C: National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2000.

Brockopp, Jonathan E, and Thomas Eich. Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press, 2008.

Kahn, Susan M. Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel. Duke University Press Books, 2012.

Stolow, Jeremy. Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in between. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.

Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna, and Yoram S. Carmeli. Kin, Gene, Community: Reproductive Technologies Among Jewish Israelis. New York, N.Y: Berghahn Books, 2010.

Ivry, Tsipy. Embodying Culture: Pregnancy in Japan and Israel. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2010.

Bhattacharyya, Swasti. A Hindu Bioethics of Assisted Reproductive Technology. State University of New York Press, 2006.

Paul, . Encyclical of Pope Paul Vi, Humanae Vitae, on the Regulation of Birth: And Pope Paul Vi’s Credo of the People of God. Glen Rock, N.J: Paulist Press, 1968. Print


Brantley Holland – Final Draft

After recent discussions between the administration of St. Mary’s hospital and the Catholic Church, both parties have agreed that it has come time to change the relationship St. Mary’s and the Church once had. St. Mary’s will be reclassified as non-denominational and any medical or administrative personnel officially affiliated with the Church will no longer be employed by the hospital. To reaffirm this decision, the hospital will be renamed to Sasquatch Community Hospital. Along with renaming the hospital, the new administration would like to take this opportunity to form new bonds with the Sasquatch community by filling all administrative positions left vacant from this change with qualified Sasquatch residences. It is the position of the hospital that no one knows how to serve the community of Sasquatch, Connecticut better than its own residents, and SCH looks forward to building a stronger more intimate relationship with the community it has the pleasure of serving.
In addition to these changes, an ethics committee was formed to review the policies set in place by the old administration. In the past Catholic doctrine has been used as a means of justification for many of the decisions made at this hospital. This will no longer be the case, and religious doctrine alone will no longer constitute sufficient reason to enact a policy. As such all policies which have been made in this manner needed to be reviewed by this newly formed ethics committee. To ensure that any policy decisions were made in a manner representative of the new vision Sasquatch Community Hospital has for itself, a great deal of care was put into deciding who should sit on the committee.
Due to the rural nature of Sasquatch, Connecticut, SCH is the only major healthcare provider available to many of its residents. It was imperative that the committee be able to account for the diverse health requirements of Sasquatch residences, while at the same time not compromising our community values. Using a similar model to President Bush’s own council on Bioethics, the hospital appointed me, Dr. Holland, to be the chairman of this committee. My first task was to decide what such an ethics committee should look like and by what means it should be formed. I looked to the wisdom of the President’s own council chairman, Leon Kass, to help guide me during this process. In “Reflections on Public Bioethics: A View from the Trenches,” Leon Kass speaks about some of the roadblocks his committee faced. He articulates how his committee struggled to find legitimacy within the scientific community, an important audience his committee needed to persuade, due to the circumstances under which it was commissioned and how regardless of the fact that the committee’s goal was “to help protect society’s basic values,” the origin of his committee continues to plague their findings even today (Kass 241). I saw this as a warning to myself that I should be careful in how I assemble my committee, but I also felt that his essay illustrated the power to which a committee’s origins can affect the interpretation of its findings. I hoped use this to my advantage by finding a means in which my committee could be formed that gave it additional legitimacy in the eyes of the hospital’s new administration and the people of Sasquatch.
In order to accomplish this, I felt it was imperative to allow the residents of Sasquatch to have a say in the composition of their hospital’s ethics committee. This was done by first reaching out to the local government and holding multiple town meetings to hear the community’s thoughts on what such a committee should look like. Using the information gathered from these meetings, I was able compile a list of 40 potential local community leaders to invite to sit on the committee. This was then brought before the community once more, and 20 members were voted to serve as the hospital’s ethics committee. In addition to the 20 members picked by the community, the hospital administration included 10 additional people it felt had the expertise to help lead these members to a practical consensus.
With the help of this newly formed committee, SCH has chosen to examine the basis for which St. Mary’s administration formed its policies and compile a list of revisions which fall in line with the new identity of the hospital. Not every decision made will result in a change in policy, but the process by which we come to our conclusions will look markedly different. All decisions have been made with extra consider for the needs of Sasquatch residents and the values we uphold as a community. The hospital is also bound by practical limitations as all hospitals are. SCH would love to provide everyone with the healthcare that they feel is right for them, but what is right for one person may not be right for a community or an institution, and when these conflicts arouse tough decisions had to be made. We hope that by being transparent about the process in which we came to our conclusions, we will be able to implement these changes as smoothly as possible.
We will begin first by highlighting some of the new procedures SCH is proud to be offering Sasquatch. The first is the procedure of In Vitro Fertilization. St. Mary’s did not provide this procedure due to the violations of the Magisterium’s teachings outlined in the Donum Vitae. The Catholic Church places a large emphasis on the sanctity of human life and the institution of marriage. SCH wishes not to stray far from what the church has to say about such manners and we hope to employ the same cautious approach to all procedures which have the potential to violate the dignity of human life or the institute of marriage. However, SCH does digress from the Church in what it constitutes as a violation of these sacred institutes. The Donum Vitae states that “artificial fertilization is contrary to the unity of marriage, to the dignity of the spouses, to the vocation proper to parents and the child’s right to be conceived and brought into the world in marriage and from marriage (Donum Vitae, 159).” Catholic doctrine also wishes for all humans to “conform their actions to the creative intention of God” and any modifications to the model for reproduction, such as IVF, violates the clear intentions of God’s creation and should be prohibited (Humanea Vitea). SCH’s new administration recognizes these sentiments but does not feel it holds the authority to decide whether or not other community members should be bound by these same rules. Some members of the committee cited how many Hindu myths revolve around “the active role some women take in controlling their reproductive choices (Bhattacharyya, 6). Other citizens see their ability to reproduce as a means of anchoring their place in society (Kahn 44). And to others in our town, such as those in our Jewish communities are bound by a hole commandment to reproduce. In light of all of these facts, it seems our community disagrees on what constitutes a violation to the institution of marriage or God’s plan, and as such SCH feels they have no place in making the distinction for its citizens.
Still, several members of the committee shared reservations concerning other ethical dilemmas which may arise during the IVF process. It is an unfortunate fact that during the procedure of IVF many embryos are created, but only one of them is carried to term (Brockopp and Eich, 61). This is another qualm the Church has with the use of IVF and was a major reason IVF was never offered at St. Mary’s. The fear that by condoning IVF, the hospital will play a direct role in the creation and destruction of human life is of grave concern to SCH’s administration. It was at this crossroads that the ethics committee went back to the community for guidance. Using a method similar to what Sue Kahn did when writing Reproducing Jew, the committee set out to interview the medical professionals currently working at IVF clinics in similar areas to ours, as well as the women who wished to seek this treatment at SCH (Kahn 4). Through these interviews the committee learned that the desire to use IVF was not restricted to Israeli citizens, or even the Jewish women in our own community. All the women and medical personnel we heard from told stories about the effects infertility can have on a women’s life and her place in society (Kahn, 3). The intense emotions these women felt and the lengths to which they expressed they would go to become mothers was inspiring and reminded the committee just what it was IVF could bring to our community (Made in India). By seeing these stories and the impact IVF could have on the well-being of families, the committee was able to unanimously support the implementation of IVF given that additional considerations were taken to mitigate any risk of violating the dignity of the embryos created through this process.
One of these stipulations, suggested by committee member Dr. Batt, was the formation of a review board to oversee all IVF procedures with the purpose of ensuring that “only one embryo is created at once and that it is handled with the ‘utmost dignity and care.’” All committee members agreed that reducing the number of embryos created during IVF would constitute a moral good, however by doing this the hospital would be requiring that women seeking IVF be subject to multiple rounds of hormone treatment which is generally considered unsafe (Brockopp and Eich, 61). Due to this the committee did not feel that this was a feasible option at this time. However, the idea of a review board overseeing each IVF procedure and ensuring that staff giving the “utmost dignity and care” during these procedures was extremely popular. So, the administration asked that a small review board be assembled from staff members currently employed at SCH with the duty of protecting the rights of the embryos during each IVF procedure. This board is to operate in similar fashion to the existing ones found in Israel which are overseen by the PU’AH group. We hope by doing this we can protect all embryos created at SCH and by doing this a similar supportive culture between this board, the doctors and the new mother will emerge as it has in Israel (Kahn 89). In addition to their obligations to the embryos created, the board will also have the duty of deciding whether a woman qualifies for IVF treatment. In an attempt to reduce the number of embryos destroyed at SCH, IVF will not be made available to all woman of Sasquatch. IVF will be restricted to women and couples who have been unsuccessful in reproducing through other means, and who are not of the financial standing to afford more expensive, but less risky procedures such as surrogacy. A special exception from this rule will be made to patients who have religious conflicts with the use of other forms of artificial reproduction technologies. An example of this would be individuals within our Jewish communities whose “halachah (religious law) makes no provision for the formal transference of maternal identity from a birth mother to another woman-the birth mother remains the mother for many halachic purposes no matter who may raise the child,” making the use of technologies such as surrogacy complicated (Seeman, 342). By drawing up these policies, we hope to strike a balance between the needs our patients, while not compromising any of the community’s values.
By offering IVF, SCH must make guidelines on proper procedures for disposing of all unused embryos created during the process of IVF. It is the goal of Sasquatch Community Hospital to place moral decision making into the hands of its patients whenever possible and this is one of those times where we feel giving our patients autonomy to decide what is best for them is the right thing to do. During the committee’s deliberations it became clear that the members of our community hold different beliefs on when human life begins and even what the definition of an embryo is (Brockopp and Eich, 65). Many pointed out that almost all religions have separate stories describing the formation of a fetus within a womb and that there is great variation between what each says. Judeo-Christian religions often point to in Psalms 139:13, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” to show the role that God has a hand in our creation from the first steps of development. While Hindu scriptures believe “The fetus is produced out of the Soul” when the soul enters the fetus, which often occurs at the time of conception, however this can only occur within the setting of a uterus (Bhattacharyya 85). In order to account for these varying views, the hospital has set up a framework by which the parents of these embryo are allowed to decide their preferred method of disposal. The ethics committee has drawn up pamphlets which are to be given out to patients at the beginning of the IVF process which outlines a variety of options. If the patients wish to donate their embryos to scientific organizations, then a list of different research groups will be provided, and they will have the option to choose the group which they would prefer it be donated to. If they do not wish to donate their embryos, then all unused embryos will be disposed using similar methods to other IVF clinics in the country.
Many of SCH’s staff brought up that not all patients who come in have a clear understanding of what their religion has to say about many different medical procedures, and that IVF will be no exception (Stolow 144). It is extremely important to the hospital that patients have access to the appropriate religious counsel at all times so SCH would like to make that possible by providing a communal worship space dedicated to religious counseling of all kinds. This will have no effect on the Catholic chaplains who are currently operating in the hospital and the space which has been historically dedicated to them will to be allowed to stay open. While they will continue to enjoy the full support of the SCH administration, the portion of the annual budget which was once dedicated exclusively to these chaplains will have to be shared with all religious leaders who may have a need for it. SCH’s new commitment to religious diversity is rooted in a belief that access to the appropriate counsel can play an integral role in the healing process. SCH provides more services than just IVF, and many clinical studies have shown the benefits religion can have on the success of patient treatment (Coruh et al). By mirroring Sasquatch’s religious diversity within our hospital, we hope to see improvements in our own medical treatments as well as patient satisfaction.
Abortion services will not be provided to patients at SCH under any circumstances.This was not an easy decision for the administration to make it was not one done flippantly. The committee recommended that the hospital begin allowing abortion services with no restrictions. They came to this conclusion using similar reasoning used for condoning IVF procedures. However, SCH understands that this is not the view shared by many of our residents, and that due to the political climate of surrounding abortions, the issue needs to be considered within the proper cultural setting. Abortion represents more than a moral qualm in the American psyche, and this is seen best “Contested Lives” where Faye Ginsburg describes how women from both pro-life and pro-choice sides see “their work as a corrective to, cultural currents” and have such an intimate relationship with their role in the movement that it has become the basis by “which their own moral identity is drawn” (Ginsburg 128). To stay in line with the other statements SCH has illustrated in this text, abortion services would be provided with no limitations, but abortion occupies a different place in the psyche of our residents. Those at the highest levels of both the pro-life/choice movements are the zealous about their work where it is often seen through a complex moral lens, with Ginsburg going so far as define it as “holy work for physicians who believed that the United States was damning itself as a society by continuing to commit moral sins on a massive scale without even realizing it. The theme of saving America from itself was a common leitmotif…” Such sentiments have trickled down to people who play smaller roles in the movement. The Catholic Church’s involvement in the origin of this movement can also not be understated. SCH feels that this departure from our Catholic origins is too abrupt for both our staff and community to undergo at this time. It is a legitimate fear of this administration that the staff and citizens of Sasquatch will prioritize their beliefs on abortion to such an extent that it will have decrease their willingness to seek out healthcare in non-emergency situations. It is the goal of the committee and administration to consider all viewpoints on these issues and decide based on what would provide the community with the best available healthcare. So, it is the decision of this administration to break with the committee’s recommendation in the hopes of preserving the unity of our hospital and the relationship it has built with the community.
With regards to St. Mary’s approach to amniocentesis and prenatal testing, day to day operations of such procedures will change very little. However, the policies of administration surrounding such procedures will change. St. Mary’s offered prenatal testing at the recommendation of a doctor but going forward we feel as though it is best to allow mothers to seek this choice free from any obstruction. One objection to allowing such a change is that more mothers will seek an amniocentesis with the idea that if the diagnosis comes back positive for a terminal disease or disorder the mother may seek to terminate the pregnancy (Donum Vitae 1987). Since such types of abortions will not be performed at SCH, we have the moral freedom to fully endorse the use of this procedure. In allowing anyone to seek request and amniocentesis we are allowing mothers an opportunity to have the pregnancy experience they feel is best suited to their needs. However, SCH is aware of the propensity for some doctors to place their own beliefs onto their patients through indirect means such as aggressively recommending tests, and genetic counselors are not immune to this bias (Ivry 74). SCH does not wish to contribute to a culture in which our patients feel it is necessary for them to have an amniocentesis and we will be teaching all genetic counselors and doctors on proper ways of advising their patients so that all mothers have the amount of medical information that they desire (Ivry 76).
These are all the new procedures which will be offered at SCH for now, but there are a few things left to address regarding the implementation of these policies. St. Mary’s used to provide subsidizes to under-insured patients who were unable to afford their medical bills. This funding came primarily from prominent Catholic officials and families within our communities. We understand the reservations these donors may have towards continuing to donate to SCH in light of these changes. We would like to address these concerns and the reservations of all donors, both large and small, who may be reconsidering whether or not to donate to us in the future. Traditionally donations have been made to the hospital and the administrators has allocated it as they see fit. This will no longer be the case, and in the form used to donate money to the hospital a new stipulation has been added to allow donors to strictly prohibit their funds from being used in any manner they deem undesirable. In addition to this, we will also be allowing people to stipulate where they would like to see their funds go to. If a citizen of Sasquatch did not donate to SCH due to its association with the Catholic Church, we would like to invite you now to donate free of these reservations. By instituting this change, we hope to keep all historical donors while also drawing in a new set of donors which can help SCH better serve its community.
All of these changes will take time to implement and many things need to occur before any of the procedures will be made available to the public. During this time all staff currently employed at SCH are asked to come forward if they have any problems with the new changes or feel any part of these new policies will affect their ability to do their job. SCH wishes not to punish any staff who feels they cannot morally perform any of these procedures and the administration promises to work with the staff to ensure these changes go over smoothly. SCH will not be hiring any additional workers to help with these procedures and it is our plan to train existing staff members on how to perform these new procedures. All staff who do feel comfortable performing these additional services are encouraged to step forward. As a way of showing SCH’s appreciation for these employees, anyone willing to assist in implementing these policies will be given a small raise in addition to any additional compensation for hours worked while training for these positions.
The administration looks forward to the new ways in which our hospital will serve our community and hope that all the procedures SCH is offering will be warmly embraced by the Sasquatch community.
Work Cited
Coruh B, Ayele H, Pugh M, Mulligan T. Does religious activity improve health outcomes? A critical review of the recent literature. Explore (NY) (2005) 1(3):186–91. doi:10.1016/j.explore.2005.02.001
Donum Vitae = the Gift of Life: Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin : and on the Dignity of Procreation : [replies to Certain Questions of the Day]. Washington, D.C: National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2000.
Brockopp, Jonathan E, and Thomas Eich. Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press, 2008.
Kahn, Susan M. Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel. Duke University Press Books, 2012.
Stolow, Jeremy. Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in between. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.
Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna, and Yoram S. Carmeli. Kin, Gene, Community: Reproductive Technologies Among Jewish Israelis. New York, N.Y: Berghahn Books, 2010.
Ivry, Tsipy. Embodying Culture: Pregnancy in Japan and Israel. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2010.
Bhattacharyya, Swasti. A Hindu Bioethics of Assisted Reproductive Technology. State University of New York Press, 2006.
Paul, . Encyclical of Pope Paul Vi, Humanae Vitae, on the Regulation of Birth: And Pope Paul Vi’s Credo of the People of God. Glen Rock, N.J: Paulist Press, 1968. Print.

Unit 11: Human Cloning – Brantley Holland

Within human cloning lies great potential for change, in orders of magnitude greater than anything else discussed so far in this class. By examining the arguments from this week’s readings, one is able to explore a wide variety of topics that extend far beyond what is apparent upon first glance. Before reading these articles, I felt any argument on human cloning would be relatively simple, and comparable to the other bioethical dilemmas we had discussed in class. After reading this week’s articles, I found by exploring the ethical, moral, and technological ideas behind human cloning I was able to gain insight into a vast array of issues. None more so than science’s role in society, and under what framework such dynamic and complex issues such as human cloning and should be examined.

Those ideas are explored in one way or another in each of the readings assigned this week, but “Human Cloning and Human Dignity” takes the most comprehensive view at the subject. This book was written by a committee appointed to the task of advising the President of United States George W. Bush on potential regulatory actions that may need to be taken against human cloning, as well as to give the American public a comprehensive idea of the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding human cloning. What is unique about this piece in comparison to others we have read is that it does not have a single author, and rarely does the committee speak as one. Rather, they speak as a myriad of voices coming from a number of disciplines who share different perspectives on the subject of human cloning. Each person on the committee casts a vote towards different solutions to the variety of problems brought up in the book. The two main issues explored by the book are the use of human cloning for reproduction, and for biomedical research. The arguments for both were extensive and well thought out, but the topic shared by all of three articles is that of human-cloning-for-reproduction and therefore will be the one explored here.

The conclusion of the president’s committee was to place a lifetime ban on human cloning for reproduction for a variety of reasons. The main one being that by changing such a fundamental part of human reproduction numerous untold consequences could occur that our present systems of moral reasoning were not yet capable of handling. The magnitude to which it could change the view of what a family or even a human looked like, coupled with its limited use, were at the forefront of the committee’s argument against using human cloning for such purposes. The committee took such a staunch view of using cloning for reproduction that it did not even attempt to fully reconcile the discrepancies it saw using human cloning for reproduction may produce.  Rather, it states that “lacking such understanding no one should take action so drastic as the cloning of a human child.” The committee felt that the actions of a very few could thrust humanity into “uncharted waters without a map or compass.” As such, they advised that it was the United States’s imperative to put a lifetime ban on all human cloning for reproductive purposes, regardless of any circumstances.

Both “Cloning People: A Jewish Law Analysis of the Issues” and “Negotiating Life: The Regulation of Human Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cell Research” take far more limited views. Rather than attempting to analyze the impact human cloning for reproduction may have on all of humanity, they sought to view it through the moral reasoning of Jewish family law. From this vantage point the issue looked quite different than the way it did in “Human Cloning and Human Dignity” for a variety of reasons. The goal of the papers was not to look at all the different avenues which may arise from the journey and completion of the project of human cloning, but rather to only answer the question of whether human cloning for reproduction was morally permissible for Jewish communities. In the case of “Cloning People: A Jewish Law Analysis of the Issues” by Micahel Broyde, this new point of view provided for an interesting conclusion, and one that seemed a slightly “non-chalant” given the scope of the issue at hand. Rather than spelling doom for all of humanity, it concluded that in a few limited cases, cloning for the purpose of reproduction would provide a means to achieving a moral good by allowing men to achieve their mitzvah, the moral prerogative set by God in Genesis for all Jewish men to “be fruitful and increase”. The worst-case scenario spelled out by “Cloning People: A Jewish Law Analysis of the Issues” were quite different than “Human Cloning and Human Dignity” and stated simply that in the instances where a woman wished to clone herself, this act would be morally neutral, as Jewish woman are not subject to the same moral obligations to reproduce as Jewish men are. However, I feel as though the view taken by Michael Broyde was too narrow to capture the full impact taking such a step would actually have. This can be seen clearly in his conclusion where he compares the use of human cloning for reproductive purposes as similar to IVF or surrogacy saying, “cloning is a form of assisted reproduction—no different from artificial insemination or surrogate motherhood—which, when technologically feasible, should be made available to those individuals in need of assisted reproduction.” While that may be true within the context of Jewish family law, it seems more consideration is need, as the issue at hand would be much less complex and most of the fundamental dilemmas presented by this new technology would have already been solved if that were the case.

“Negotiating Life: The Regulation of Human Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cell Research” seemed to mend the two other works together well. While I read “Human Cloning and Human Dignity” many of the arguments came off as hyperbolic and, in some cases, it felt as though the committee lacked faith in humanities moral capabilities. However, Barbara Prainsack’s work put any idea of hyperbole to rest with the first scenario she put forward. She recalls a time when a Jewish woman contacted an Israeli bioethicist wishing to use human cloning to avoid the many conflicts which may occur when reproducing within the complex framework that is Jewish family law. While the women’s only desire was to have a child within the right moral bounds set up by her religion, the reasoning put forth by and her Rabbi as to why human cloning would not be morally objective were shaky, and it is by examining small interactions such as these that one can more clearly see how the use of such a technology can be more than just morally objectionable. It highlights how such technologies can begin to erode and delegitimize the moral systems of the modern world. By cloning herself this woman would be able to circumvent the complex rules set up by her religion, but that begs the question of why the rules were put into place to begin with. These rules were not written to prohibit this woman from having a baby, but rather to guide her to reproducing through a means that is morally acceptable. How then would reproducing in a manner foreign to anything Jewish family law was set up to interpret be considered morally good or bad? By avoiding such halachic conflicts, is there still leave room for the child to exist within the context of Jewish family law?

It is undeniable that human cloning has the possibility to change the entire face of humanity as we currently know it. However, whether this represents a change for better or for worse may not reside in how the changes occur, but rather how one views the changes which do occur. For these reasons I am unsure if any one kind of moral authority is equipped to address everything that human cloning encompasses and if biologist are set on proceeding with human cloning experiments, which it seems they very well are, it will take caution, humility and collaboration to ensure that such a project is completed in a manner that does not inoperably change the face of humanity to something unrecognizable to all human societies.

Brantley Holland – Midterm

After recent discussions between the administration of St. Mary’s hospital and the local Catholic church, both parties have agreed that it is time to change the relationship this hospital and its staff have with the Catholic church. The decision has been made to reclassify ourselves as a non-denominational hospital and severe any official ties the church and hospital once had. This change will affect not only the relationship between the hospital and the church but also the way the hospital interacts with the community as well. This will take the form of changes to the hospital’s existing policy towards several medical procedures and staff behavior, as well as the inclusion of some procedures not currently offered at St. Mary’s hospital.

While the hospital and the church have severed all official ties, the hospital will continue to allow for the Church to have a presence in all matters that occur at the hospital. Religion has played a large role here at St. Mary’s and we feel as though there is still room for religion in the hospital through the form of religious counsel, as well as in policy decisions made by the hospital’s administration. We will make no changes to the level of involvement that chaplains have here in the hospital. All patients here at St. Mary’s hospital will continue to have the same access to all the hospital’s working chaplains. The space that has been provided for counsel and prayer will remain open and part of the official hospital building.

St. Mary’s will now make an effort to provide our diverse community with the religious counsel best suited for all patients. We will be devoting a new space in the hospital to serve as a communal religious gathering place. This will serve as an area where patients from a variety of religious backgrounds can meet with their preferred religious counsel. We have reached out to religious leaders in the community who have expressed interest in volunteering some of their members and staff to help counsel the hospital’s staff to effectively accomplish this. We hope that the addition of these new counsel’s will allow for the patients of St. Mary’s to make informed decisions based on doctrine taught in their personal religion. Many staff at St. Mary’s have encountered instances where patients forgo procedures due to personal religious convictions that do not align with the official teachings of their religion (Stolow 2012, 144). We hope that access to the right religious counsel will help patients make more informed decisions regarding their healthcare.

Due to a high demand from a new, growing Jewish community in our area, St. Mary’s hospital will now provide new services not offered previously at this hospital. One of the new services provided will be the use of in vitro fertilization. While previously this service was not provided due to the violation of multiple sections of the Donum Vitae, the demand for such procedures has made the addition of this new service imperative (Donum Vitae 1987). The new commitment made by the hospital to effectively serve all of our communities cultural and health needs reaffirms this decision (Kahn 2000, 2). The means in which the hospital will introduce this service will be done with the counsel of members of the church as well as other community leaders. In vitro fertilization is an extremely popular procedure in Sasquatch’s Jewish community, and since the nearest fertilization clinics are more than 15 miles away, the hospital feels as though it is the obligation of our staff and administration to include this potentially life-altering procedure. While the need for the addition of this service comes largely from the demand of our Jewish community, it will be offered to all patients and will be done in a fashion that is appeasing to both the hospital’s historical background as well as the modern needs of our diverse rural community.

The new policies surrounding the implementation of in vitro fertilization will draw heavily from the state-funded IVF institutions found in Israel. We feel as though the clinics that are being run in Israel represent some of the best and most effective fertility clinics in the world (Seeman 2010, 357). They also are some of the best equipped to handle the nuances that arise from a procedure such as this. One of the largest points of contention with IVF is the question of kinship, and we recognize that the Israeli clinics work only within the context of the Jewish cosmology. Due to this, we feel as though the means in which they address such issues can help the hospital’s staff and administration in navigating the complex relationships between cultural and biological relatedness (Kahn 2000, 109). The hospital will also be using Israel’s policy regarding who qualifies for IVF. We believe the system in Israel of allowing any woman, regardless of marital or health status to use IVF procedures should be implemented at St. Mary’s as well (Kahn 2000, 28). We believe that IVF can be helpful to all woman who wishes to seek this option, and as such St. Mary’s will not participate in any practice which discriminates against candidates based on factors beyond what our doctors and genetic counselors recommend are safe.

It is an unfortunate fact that during the process of IVF, not all embryos will be used, and due to the hospital’s history as well as the beliefs of many staff and administrators, we will be creating our own policies of what to do with the unused embryos that are a by-product of IVF (Donum Vitae, 1987).  The hospital also recognizes that the interpretation of what exactly an embryo is and what the proper treatment of embryos should be can vary from patient to patient depending on their own personal beliefs (Brockopp and Eich 2008, 65). Due to this fact, the hospital will be using more than just the teachings of the Magisterium on the sanctity of human life to guide the hospital’s policy on the disposal and use of the unused embryos. First, we will be providing all IVF staff with information on how to inform patients from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds on the means, in which IVF is undertaken so that patients may make informed decisions with all moral and health implications taken into consideration. The hospital will also begin allowing the unused embryos, with the consent of the donating mother, to be used for research pertaining to IVF procedures in the hopes that their deaths will provide future IVF procedures with a higher success rate, therefore reducing instances of unsuccessful fertilization events(Brockopp and Eich 2008, 64).

The hospital recognizes that the creation of embryos with the knowledge that all will be brought to term is one of the main points of contention the Catholic Church has with IVF (Donum Vitae 1987). The hospital has discussed means of reducing instances of unused embryos by reducing the number of frozen embryos created during the IVF process. However, many of the ways in which this can be accomplished place an undue burden on the donating mother and as such we believe all proposed alternatives constitute an unnecessary amount of risk for the mother (Brockopp and Eich 2008, 61). Due to this, St. Mary’s will be performing IVF procedures in a means similar to other modern fertility clinics.

In light of all these changes, we feel it is necessary to highlight points in which St. Mary’s will not be making any changes to the hospital’s policy. One of those instances is our policies surrounding performing abortions. We feel as though by including abortion as a new procedure, to a degree that violates any part of the Donum Vitae, would be seen as a regression from the beliefs that St. Mary’s was founded on. We also feel as though it would be in violation of both the historical upbringing of the hospital as well as the beliefs and wishes of its staff and patients. The hospital will, however, institute a small, but substantial change to the policy of informing patients who inquire about abortion. St. Mary’s will now have information readily available to any patients who wish to know more about an abortion procedure. This will entail information on the procedure itself, including all medically relevant side effects, dangers or concerns the hospital feels are relevant. Information pertaining to any religious or ethical concerns will be available to patients upon their request as well. What will not be included is any information that may show patients how to obtain an abortion at any other medical facility or in any other fashion. We feel as though informing a patient on how to obtain an abortion would be a step too far and is not one the hospital is comfortable taking at this moment.

With regards to St. Mary’s approach to amniocentesis and prenatal testing, day to day operations of such procedures will change very little. However, the policies of administration surrounding such procedures will change. The hospital currently offers prenatal testing at the recommendation of a doctor but going forward we feel as though it is best for mothers to allow them to seek this choice free from interference from hospital staff. One objection to allowing such a change is that more mothers will seek an amniocentesis with the idea that if the diagnosis comes back and is not something a mother wished to hear, then she may seek to terminate the pregnancy for reasons stemming from the diagnosis (Donum Vitae 1987).  While this is an understandable fear and is not something the hospital will support to any degree, we feel that since amniocentesis has the potential to improve both the mother’s and the fetus’s overall health St. Mary’s should make prenatal testing as available as possible (Ivry 2009). In allowing anyone to seek these procedures we are allowing mothers an opportunity to have the pregnancy experience they feel is best suited to their needs. In an effort to safeguard mothers who may not feel as though getting an amniocentesis is the right choice for them, we will be advising all genetic counselors and doctors on proper ways of advising their patients so that all mothers have the right amount of medical information that they desire (Ivry 2009).

We recognize that many of these challenges will be difficult for many of the staff members here at the hospital. St. Mary’s is aware of this and in an effort to retain some of the trust the employees and administration have built over the years, we will not be forcing any employee to participate in any activity or procedure they deem against their personal beliefs. If enough staff members have problems with our new policies to the point that it begins to affect the day to day operations of the hospital then some policies may be revisited, but it is not anticipated that such things will occur at that level of frequency.  We ask that if any staff members feel as though their job has changed to the point where they can no longer morally continue with their work to speak with their supervisor to arrange a means around such issues. Whether this will include being reassigned to other tasks or just working fewer hours will have to be determined on a case by case basis, but St. Mary’s would like to tell all of its employees that it will continue to listen and compromise so that these changes can be done in the most efficient and pragmatic way possible.

Finally, the hospital has decided that at this time it will not subsidize any of the new procedures for underinsured patients. We believe that making this decision is in the hospital’s and the community’s best interest. This will allow anyone who has donated to St. Mary’s to continue to do so without fear of encouraging any behaviors they may find morally or ethically repugnant. We also feel as though subsidizing these procedures may inadvertently ostracize some members of the Sasquatch community, and as such could have a negative impact on both the collective health of Sasquatch as well as the individual health of many patients who have objections to any part of the new policies or procedures being implemented at St. Mary’s.






Work cited:

1.Donum Vitae = the Gift of Life: Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin : and on the Dignity of Procreation : [replies to Certain Questions of the Day]. Washington, D.C: National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2000.

2. Brockopp, Jonathan E, and Thomas Eich. Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press, 2008.

3. Kahn, Susan M. Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel. Duke University Press Books, 2012.

4. Stolow, Jeremy. Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in between. New York: Fordham University Press, 2013.

5. Birenbaum-Carmeli, Daphna, and Yoram S. Carmeli. Kin, Gene, Community: Reproductive Technologies Among Jewish Israelis. New York, N.Y: Berghahn Books, 2010.

6. Ivry, Tsipy. Embodying Culture: Pregnancy in Japan and Israel. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2010.