Bi et al. Impacts of snow and cloud covers on satellite-derived PM2⁠.5 levels

We developed an AOD gap-filling model with the consideration of snow and cloud covers and a PM2.5 prediction model based on the gap-filled AOD to estimate full-coverage and high-resolution PM2⁠.5 in New York State. It indicated the significance of snow fraction in the AOD gap-filling process and demonstrated the ability of the AOD-based prediction model to reflect detailed PM2.5 emission patterns and small-scale terrain-driven features.

Bi, J., Belle, J. H., Wang, Y., Lyapustin, A. I., Wildani, A., & Liu, Y. (2019). Impacts of snow and cloud covers on satellite-derived PM2.5 levels. Remote Sensing of Environment, 221, 665–674.

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