Hello to our new student nurse-midwives!

Welcome to the extended role transition for bridging from nursing to the advanced practice role of nurse-midwifery.  I am very excited that you have all decided to start this journey with us.

An overview:

During this course, you will have to complete 120 hours in clinical at one of the labor and deliveries affiliated with the Northside Hospital system.  This amounts to about 10 clinical experiences of 12 hours each.  You will be working side by side with a labor and delivery nurse.  Your goals are to learn her professional role, understand the hospital hierarchy, and become more comfortable with common procedures and patient care/support on this unit.

As a way of gaining increased knowledge, you will have 5 modules to complete during this course.  They are self-paced. You can complete them at the rate you desire, however, I do encourage you to try to complete one module approximately every two clinical days.  You will be required to complete all the modules by November 1, 2015.

Your text for this course is:  Intrapartum Management Modules: A Perinatal Education Program by Betsy B. Kennedy, Donna Jean Ruth, & E. Jean Martin.

Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime…  I look forward to helping you through this transition into your next healthcare role.

MaryJane Lewitt, PhD, CNM, FACNM

Office 328

Office phone: 404-727-8301

Cell phone: 404-441-3190 (calls and texts)

Email: mlewitt [at] emory [dot] edu



About MaryJane Lewitt

I am a Nurse Midwife, a Scientist, and the Co-Director of the Nurse Midwifery Program at Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing.
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