Our learning goals this week included to better understand how the advent of sound and the emergence of Surrealism play a critical role in the development of the Second Republic; and viceversa. We also sought to learn how audiovisual representation of violence is intrinsically related to much of the history of filmmaking in Spain during… Continue reading Unit 2. Violence Sights. Surrealism, Sound, and the Second Republic
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Unit 1. Faith and Dictatorship. Silence, Violence, Community
This week we sought to understand and read competently the ways in which the forging of fascism, cinema, and religiosity interacted in the first three decades of the 20th century in Spain. To that end, we read about and discussed the roles played by silence in the work of artistic pioneers, especially filmic. This, in… Continue reading Unit 1. Faith and Dictatorship. Silence, Violence, Community
Welcome to our blog
Welcome to Emory WordPress Sites. Every week we’ll work with my posting a prompter on Thursdays, and you posting your reflection, based on that prompter, about the week’s readings, films, and discussion. Can’t wait to read you. Happy blogging!