Peer advisors are current Emory students and Education Abroad alums who are eager to guide other students through applying and studying abroad. We are available for advising appointments, and you can drop into Candler Library 200 to speak to any peer advisor on duty. To contact us regarding program applications, course approvals, adjusting to life abroad, or anything else, e-mail

Elizabeth Fulton
Hi! I’m a senior who is double majoring in English & Creative Writing and Film & Media with a concentration in Film & Media Management. In Spring 2023, I studied abroad at Queen Mary University of London in the United Kingdom. On campus, I’m involved in eTV (Emory Vision) and Blackstar* Magazine. This is my second year as a peer advisor.

Isaiah Yisrael
Hey, I’m a senior double majoring in Psychology and Spanish & Linguistics. I’ve gone on two education abroad programs: Psychology in the British Isles (UK & Ireland) in Summer 2023 and the Emory Salamanca Program (Spain) in Spring 2024. Fun fact: I love the outdoors, and I once went camping for 5 weeks!

Henry Donath
Hello everyone! I’m a sophomore who intends to double major in Business and German Studies. I spent this past summer in Vienna, Austria as part of Emory’s German Summer Abroad Program. On campus, I’m also involved in Emory Jazz Big Band and Academic Quiz Bowl.

Jannat Khan
Hi! I’m a senior double majoring in Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology and Ethics. In Summer 2023, I participated in the Emory Environmental Field Studies Program, which is located in Namibia and Botswana. Outside class, I’m a member of College Council and the Pakistani Students Association.

Tashfia Noor
Hey! I’m a junior majoring in international studies. Last spring, I studied abroad with SIT Switzerland: International Studies and Multilateral Diplomacy, which is located in Geneva. I am super excited to help students learn how to learn, have fun, and be safe abroad!