Open source courses:
- Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology led by Dr. Shirley Liu
- Data Science Toolkit by Dr. David Benkeser (INFO 550 at Emory University)
- Deep learning by Dr. Sergey Levine
Online seminar series:
- School of Data Science, City University of Hong Kong
- Biostatistics Computing Club, Weill Cornell Medicine
Academic job related
Tips from stat/biostat community:
- Tips from Dr. Irina Gaynanova at TAMU Department of Statistics
- Tips from Dr. Daniel McDonald at UBC Department of Statistics
- NISS Virtual Academic Career Fair Fall 2020 Part 1
- NISS Virtual Academic Career Fair Fall 2020 Part 2
- Biostatisticians in the Hospital Research Setting
Resources at Emory:
- Office of Postdoctoral Education, Emory School of Medicine (academia job hunting workshops offered in Fall)
- English Language Support Program (helps polish your writing)