Asylum in Greece

I found extremely interesting how the “refugee crisis” falls more heavily on certain nations rather than others. In the case of Greece specifically, a country that the EU considers on the outskirts of their moral standards, many refugees or asylum seekers end up there. The European country with one of the most underdeveloped asylum systems received many if not most of the asylum seekers fleeing towards Europe. Besides its underdeveloped system for refugees or asylum seekers, Greece is a fairly small European nation and has a less developed economy than other European nations. All this is to say that it is extremely reflective of the difficulty of the refugee situation as a whole: with little to no options besides fleeing their homes, asylum seekers/migrants/refugees are received by a nation and a system that is unequipped to serve them thoroughly and perhaps unjust due to factors outside of their control.

Another interesting part of the reading on Greece was the recent rise popularity for humanitarian work in Greece with regards to refugees. Again, this seems reflective of the refugee situation as a whole: the help has begun to come, but all too late. Rather than address the route of the issues refugees and migrants face, often this humanitarian help simply mitigates the sometimes preventable problems at hand.