Trapped in Europe’s Poorest Country

Many of the migrants in Bulgaria are fleeing either Syria or Afghanistan. When Greece invested three million in their border control it led to a large influx of immigrants into Bulgaria. The conditions of those who were not granted asylum and remain in Bulgaria were most shocking. One migrant mentioned that the conditions in Bulgaria were so bad that he would have been better off just staying in Syria. People were living without electricity and hot water for months in the middle of the winter. The conditions in Bulgaria were very reminiscent of the conditions we saw in the countries migrants were fleeing.

As one scholar mentions in the video, border control alone will not solve illegal immigration. Border control will always be a temporary solution, in which a bandage is being placed over a larger problem. We talk so little about the development and problems in the countries that these migrants are leaving. This same scholar mentions that the long term solution to immigration is understand the developmental issues in one’s home country that is causing them to flee their home. I would like to learn a little more about these developmental issues. As an Economics major we learn about lot about the developmental economies in these countries. But I would also be interested in understanding the social, religious and political problems in these countries. Additionally I think it is important to study how these countries have tried to remedy internal tension, and any success programs or progress. I think studying the developmental issues in the countries people are fleeing is important in order to come up with long term solutions to immigration.