Blog Assignment Resources

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  • Brian Croxall’s website and blog assignments (Emory)
    • Additionally, Brian also has a few articles on blogging in the classroom “Twitter, Tumblr, and Micro-Blogging,” The Johns Hopkins Guidebook to the Digital Humanities, eds. Lori Miller, Benjamin Robertson, and Marie-Laure Ryan, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.
  • Mike Altman’s course blog (Alabama) and syllabus with assignment description
    • Mike Altman’s write up on using the blog assignment in the religion classroom can be found here: “Dispelling-the-Magic-Published” in Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy. Vol 25 No. 1.
  • If you’re interested in learning more about assignments and models for using blogs and website creation in the classroom, Emory’s Domain of One’s Own program has a lot of documentation about their model and plenty of examples to get the wheel’s turning on how to use website creation/curation in the classroom.