Interns: Making the Most of Your Experience

Internships are great opportunities to learn about a new field and decide whether you actually like it before you commit to a career change. Being an intern is fun and exciting, but it’s also challenging and sometimes a little daunting. Below are some suggestions for really getting the most out of your time as an intern:

  • Ask questions – Do your research first but when you reach a wall, ask.

  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes –If you don’t try & fail, you won’t learn.

  • Learn from your mistakes – This point probably goes without saying, but it needs to be said.

  • Take advantage of every opportunity – As an intern, it’s probably not best to say, “That’s not part of my job description”  (unless it’s fetching someone’s coffee). Other opportunities include networking and attending meetings. Some offices may even help pay or sponsor you to attend.

  • Learn to multitask – You’ll have to learn how to do it at some point, so learn to do it now.

  • Explore on your own – Don’t do only what is asked and stop thinking. Research this possible new career path – is it something you could see yourself doing after the internship? What are some questions you still have about patent applications, service providers, MTAs, or anything else to which you have little to no exposure? Use this time as an intern to answer questions, fall down some rabbit holes.

  • Don’t be afraid to make suggestions – A new pair of eyes often helps a problem in an office. Some ideas will get shot down (and that’s ok), but others just might be revolutionary.

  • Introduce yourself to everyone in the office – You’ll likely work with a select few of the staff, but introduce yourself to everyone anyway and learn what they do. You make connections and they learn about new members of the team. The introductions just might open you up to new opportunities too.

Lisa Matragrano

Lisa was an intern with OTT during 2010-2012.  In 2012 Lisa joined the OTT team as the office’s Marketing Associate.

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