Putting a Face on an Emory Tech Transfer Success Story

For those who don’t know, our office is very active in AUTM (Association of University Technology Managers), the leading organization for technology transfer professionals. In an effort to enhance public awareness of the benefits of technology transfer, this past fall AUTM started the “Put A Face On It” project. Casting a wide net, AUTM offered seed funding to universities for the creation of videos that featured the people who have benefited from university-developed innovations. Their goal is to emphasize the real-world impact and real-world connections between technology transfer professionals, their work, and its ability to transform people’s lives.

Ernest Garcia, PhD photo
Ernest Garcia, PhD

Here at OTT we have the same goal of sharing stories about the impact our innovations and discoveries can have and how our technologies help people around us, even our very own inventors.

We are proud to unveil here our first “Put a Face On It” video. It focuses on the Emory Cardiac Toolbox and how it helped Dr. Ernest Garcia. Keep your eyes peeled for the twist!

View this new video here.

Find additional success stories on our website here.

To view other AUTM “Put A Face On It” vidoes look here.