How to Leverage Emory OTT to Build Your Product Pipeline

At any given time Emory has approximately 500 technologies available to license. However whether a startup or an established company, finding new technologies available at a university is time-consuming and sometimes frustrating. We often are asked about the best ways to learn about our technologies available for licensing. There are a number of easy ways to find and remain up-to-date with all the technologies coming out of Emory University.

  • Use our Search option in the Technology Listings page to find non-confidential summaries of the technologies available. It’s run by Google and provides an improved searching experience and more accurate results.

  • Looking for anything around a specific indication or topic? On the same Technology Listings page, click on Keywords in our word cloud and Technology Categories to get a list of those technologies.

  • Subscribe to our RSS feed and follow us on Twitter @EmoryOTT to see all our new technologies as soon as they are listed on the website.

  • Visit our Featured Innovations page and Breakfast Club presentations (as videos and slides) to get even more information about a select collection of technologies available.

  • Contact our knowledgeable Marketing Manager and request a hand-picked selection of technologies related to your needs and areas of interest.

Finally if you are looking for a one-stop shop where you can find not only technologies from Emory but  also those from universities all over the world, there are a number of third-party listing services available to search free of charge including the Global Technology Portal (GTP) from the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM). In fact, the GTP currently has about 20,000 technologies listed and is updated daily.

Our goal as technology matchmakers is to make it as simple as possible for our colleagues in industry to find our technologies. If you have any suggestions on how we might improve the process, please let us know by emailing us at ott-web [at] emory [dot] edu.