O Domingo

O Domingo: jornal litterario e recreativo (1873-1875) was first published in Rio de Janeiro on November 23, 1873, under the responsibility of D. Violante Atabalipa Ximenes de Bivar e Vellasco (1817–1875). It was printed by Typographia Lyra de Apollo, located at 185 Rua d’Alfândega.

Each issue of O Domingo consisted of four pages, with each page divided into two columns separated by a simple line. Starting with issue number 55, the layout changed to three columns. Subscriptions cost “2$ per quarter, 4$ per semester, and 8$ per year for the Court and Nictheroy.” Complaints and subscription requests were to be sent to the building located at 64 Rua do Príncipe dos Cajueiros, now known as Rua Senador Pompeu.

Dedicated to advocating for women’s right to education and emancipation, the editor and proprietor of the weekly aimed to inspire women to pursue professional careers by publishing literary texts and biographies of notable women.

You can check out the newspaper in the website from the Brazilian Digital Library.