After spending a year in Rome, Italy to seek for High Net Worth Individuals interested in immortality, clear his thinking, become familiar with his parents’ European experiences, and be around other people, human beings, Lenny Abramov returns to the new United States of America. In what now seems a decadent New York City, which he still wishes to call his despite its subjugation by a dictator’s army, Lenny decides to visit his work place at the Post Human Services Division of the Staatling Wapachung Corporation. At his arrival, though gladdened by few familiar stimuli and faces, Lenny finds that he is no longer recognized as an employee. In his scrutiny of a now different environment, waiting for his superior Joshie Goldmann, Lenny notices the emphasis that the company has put on being “organic” (healthy).
During his stay, Lenny experiences shifting, progressive ideals that closely resemble those of today’s society. Kelly Nardl, a colleague described as a “nondeodorized animal”, offers Lenny “cruciferous vegetables”, considered as symbols of respect. On the interior walls, Lenny also notices the presence of “five gigantic Solari schedule boards” which indicate the health statistics of the company’s employees. Lenny then confronts with a younger employee who chastises him for being unhealthy and old. Just as in Lenny’s futuristic society, today’s world is shifting to give great value to one’s health. In a food market dominated by genetically modified organisms and hyper-caloric provisions, more people are looking forward to consume safer, organic products. Ultimately, each day, millions of people decide to preserve and improve their fitness upon the notions of what is healthy and unhealthy. For this reason, for example, an overweight woman may feel uncomfortable in her own skin due to the societal perception that beauty is remarked by apparent physical health.
Hence, Super Sad True Love Story implicitly reflects on the gravity of contemporary’s issues such as personal health.