The author is obviously someone who is cognisant of the illusion of privacy in today’s society. The Author’s purpose is to inform the audience of the privacy breach that is taking place in today’s society because of the widespread of internet. With the introduction of internet, the concept of Big Brother became an imminent possibility as conglomerates such as Google and Facebook seized the ability to spy into the lives of citizens. This is effective because the poster is an altered version of the iconic propaganda used in George Orwell’s celebrated novel ‘1984’. Its is at once recognisable to the audience. The use of the image of google, which we are all familiar with and is central to many of our lives, makes concept of a totalitarian society wherein everyone is watched becomes very immediate and imminent. The author wants to convey the belief that the notion of privacy is no longer a relevant term in today’s world as whatever we do can be tracked through our internet usage. The grim premonition the poster hints should resonate with all of us because we are all enslaved to the internet in one way or another.