In the Pecha Kucha presentation, the author tries to promote the art of making “something into nothing”, the art of taking something seemingly insignificant and turning it into an appreciable artwork. Here, the author argues that some of the most repulsive or banal objects can be the founding ingredients to magnificent artwork. This statement, I feel, is neither disputable nor agreeable. The value of art itself is such an arbitrary concept. What defines a good piece of art? By which standards are we meant to asses a piece of artwork? To some, a non-existent, invisible piece of painting can worth milions of dollars while to some, it has no monetary value. She also mentioned clothing can be made from disposed fabrics. However, the problem I see with this proposal is that, fashion is a form of art where comfort is an equally important factor as the visual presentation. Can a high quality garment be made from low quality materials?
While the concept of making new materials from garbage sounds interesting, it artistic values can be controversial. But then again, my standards of artistic beauty can differ from those of other people. To some, Poubellisme may be of significant value while to me they appear as garbage compiled in an organised manner.