A dystopic scene from Super Sad True Love Story is one presented by Eunice’s friend “Grillbitch”. On July 10, Eunice writes a long, passionate message to Grillbitch about Lenny and, at the end, her sympathy for David and the rebels. Two days later, Grillbitch sends an emotional reply, saying how her father’s factory was taken over by LNWIs because the LAPD no longer exists and the National Guard is too useless to do anything, ruining her life (200). I see this as particularly dystopic due to a variety of factors, the largest being anarchy. Due to the weakness of the Bipartisan leadership, there is no one in clear control as rebel groups pop up around the country. This is a disturbing scene: chaos as a regular business is overthrown due to the anger of impoverished people retaliating against those who are better off without seeing the damage they cause in others’ lives.
I agree with the notion that dystopia is a prediction of the future based on humanity’s flaws, but I also believe that dystopias reflect themes from today’s society. The picture here is from the Houthi takeover of Yemen’s capital. In an extremely violent conflict, Houthi Shiites stormed the capital of Yemen, run by Sunnis, because they felt marginalized by an unorganized government. This scene is in line with the one Grillbitch describes, with those who feel damaged and undermined rise up with lack of foresight of what their actions may cause. Only in this case, it is 2015, and other countries around the world are willing to pitch in to stop the conflict, trying to restore government.