Read: Frankenstein, pp. 1–34
Read: “Constructing Connectedness: Gender, Sexuality and Race in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein,” a piece of literary criticism written by a college student. Bring a print or digital copy to class.
Blog post (due Wednesday at 11:59 p.m.; approx. 300 words; please include your name and the post number [#6] in your subject line)
1. Summarize Jessica Hale’s main argument (or at least one argument that she makes).
2. Identify one example of close reading of a passage from Frankenstein in her article.
3. Identify one secondary source that Hale uses. How does she use it in her own argument?
4. Identify terms that may be unfamiliar to you. How might you track down definitions? Choose one term, provide a definition in your own words, and briefly explain how and where you found the definition.