How I will build to my thesis in my introduction: I will first introduce the movie ‘Her’ in which technology is so developed that it is intervening and perpetually changing the ways people communicate with one another. Based on the movie, I will lead to my thesis about how technology renovates and redefines three aspects of human’s connection to the world.
How I will support and expand on my thesis: I will first list two examples to support my thesis that technology is changing people’s way of communication from the movie ‘Her’ which are people avoiding direct conversation by finding specialists like Theodore to write love letters and instead of having relationships with human, many people fall in love with artificial intelligence. And then I will divide my body paragraphs into three parts, each talking about one aspect from the relationship between human and electrical devices; the relationship between human and human; and the relationship between human and inner selves. Totally, body paragraphs made up by these three points can summarize and illustrate my thesis.
The information needs to come first: I believe that firstly I need to introduce the main story of the movie ‘Her’ and the conflicts of communication ways as opening words. Because I want to start from an exaggerated future way of communication to trigger people’s reflection on how in reality technology is altering our world.
The examples of passages I will focus on from my primary source (movie ‘Her’) are: “You seem like a person, but you’re just a voice in a computer.” and “Theodore: I can’t believe that I am having this conversation with my computer. Samantha: You are not. You’re having this conversation with me.” And examples of the quotes that I plan to use from my secondary sources are “we’re setting ourselves up for trouble — trouble certainly in how we relate to each other, but also trouble in how we relate to ourselves and our capacity for self-reflection.” from “Connected but alone” and “Text messaging – 92% of teens in romantic relationships spent time text messaging with their partner at least occasionally. Talking on the phone – 87% spent time talking on the phone with their significant other.” from “How Teens Incorporate Digital Platforms and Devices Into Their Romantic Relationships”.