Favour N- Blog Post #9

I am undergoing a topic change. My new working topic (as of now) is an evaluation of how lack of privacy stifles individuality along with other harmful effects through the use of Super Sad True Love Story.


I will begin with a brief inclusion of background information as pertains to the book, followed by my thesis. Then my research question will come next along with a ‘they say, I say’ statement.


I will now include more background information to further establish a foundation for the paper. A lot of my body will focus on the passages where Lenny changes his behavior and likes to assimilate into the new digital culture. Namely, hiding his books when others are around, reading in secret, etc.

I will incorporate studies that have been done that link lack of privacy to conformity, depression, anxiety, etc. I will include examples from the book that demonstrate conformity such as everyone having an apparat and being looked down upon if you don’t have one or have an outdated one. The scene of the FAC will be evaluated to show the negative effects in had on Lenny’s self esteem. The governments privacy invading measures, such as the credit poles, will also be looked at along with the negative consequences it has.

I plan to use quotes from the studies relating to privacy, including the one i discussed in blog post 5. Ultimately I will relate the occurrences in the book to the real life occurrences of similar nature to bring the fictional book into today’s reality and create a ‘so what’ factor.


Clearly answer my aforementioned research question with the evidence I have gathered.

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