Outcome 2: Critical Thinking and Reading Resulting in Writing.
How have you integrated the writing of others into your own writing?
I integrated the writing of others in my rough draft by utilizing articles of various authors expressing their opinions/findings to further bolster my own opinion/finding. With direct quotations, as well as paraphrasing, from these sources, I was able to use their words and ideas directly along with my own. I have also used the writing of others to provide a basis for my opposition and counterarguments.
Which assignment(s) best shows your ability to construct your own argument? Cite specific examples and feel free to draw quotes from your own writing.
My Pecha Kucha presentation depicts my ability to construct my own argument. For the assignment, I took a piece of art and assigned my own interpretation to it, using elements from the piece to argue my view. The annotated bibliography also allowed me to construct an argument as I had to explain how the sources would serve my greater purpose. And then, of course, the rough draft is totally based on an argument I derived from one of the works we’ve evaluated in class. In various blog posts, I have made my own argument. e.g. In blog post 2, I state, “This scene has made no exaggerations in its claims to our over-digitized society,” as the conclusion after providing evidence to backup up my own argument derived from the text.
Explain one or two important choices you made in this project and how that work developed you as a critical thinker and reader.
Pecha Kucha project- An important choice I made was to extend my interpretation of the artifact beyond what can initially be seen from just looking at it. By doing this, I was able to delve deeper into the topic and author’s intended meaning by using critical thinking skills to provide a richer analysis that goes beyond what is apparent to the naked eye. This taught me to be a more inquisitive thinker and to read between the lines.