Hello class. My name is Favour Nwachukwu and today we will be discussing the ‘So What?’
If I was to guest lecture, I would probably feel most confident talking about how to construct a ‘so what’ statement and convey the ‘bigger picture’ through your writing. I think it is the most vital concept I have learned in this class all semester; it made me realize the importance of connecting what you are saying to the reader so that they can relate and actually care to continue reading. It is an integral aspect that should be present in all writing, no matter what the subject, so it is best to learn it sooner rather than later if you wish to be an effective writer. ***
To go about my guest lecture I would first, of course, explain what the ‘so what’ statement is and the different ways that it can be formatted. I would provide the students with various articles from magazines, newspapers, scholarly sources, etc. and have them see if they can locate the ‘so what’ statement and determine whether or not it was effective. Then to ensure that they are not just following a script (“This is important because…”), I would give them very obscure topics that not many people could ever possibly care about and see if they can devise a unique ‘so what’ structure that would make the reader interested though it seems it is completely unrelated to their life. And then we would end the class with an ice cream party because you’ve gotta end with a bang.
*** I made a so what statement without even realizing it. It really comes in handy everywhere.