
Guidelines and Procedures for Centers 

In accordance with our By-laws, the following principles and procedures are adopted to govern centers of the Goizueta Business School.

Center Principles

  1. Mission: Each center must have a clearly defined mission that influences others beyond immediate participants and advances a primary value of Goizueta Business School:
  2. Strengthens the Emory and Goizueta brands
  3. Attracts exceptionally talented students and faculty
  4. Drives impact on the outside world
  5. Support: Centers are expected to be self-funding. Annual reports, and periodic comprehensive reviews for each center must provide clear plans for self-sufficiency.
  6. Leadership: Each center must be directed by a full-time member of the faculty, and the bulk of the center’s work should be carried out under direction of full-time members of the faculty. Center directors should serve for specified terms, subject to renewal by the Dean.
  7. Uniqueness: The mission and activities of the center should not duplicate those accomplished by existing activities of the School.
  8. Diversity: Centers are ideally interdisciplinary and provide opportunities for interrelationships within the School, the university, or broader communities;