
Pending Initiatives 

  • Alternative Models of Course Credit
    • At the request of the vice dean, we are exploring alternative models of awarding course credit for service.
    • The current course load and standard practice at Goizueta is as follows:
      • All credit is currently assigned as a full (3 hour) or half (1.5 hour) course
      • Tenured and Tenure track faculty standard load is 3 courses, commensurate with peer schools
      • Most TT loads are one semester, often one course/one prep
      • Non tenure-track faculty standard is 6 course load
      • Overloads may be banked (to a limit of 3) or are paid at 1/9th
      • Directed studies carry no credit, except in the case of WEMBA and MEMBA
    • We will be exploring the costs/benefits of a point system in which certain forms of service, such as advising honors theses or independent studies, receive partial credit towards course release.