
The first photo is all the grabage that we get from the household who put them into a recylcing bag which really helps the enivornment to save landfill and energy. By doing recycling helps to decrease pollution.

The second photo is taken from the paper trash bag. From all the paper trash, our group analyze the demographic and socialeconomics status of the household by looking into the mail address and by analyzing some child artwork. We also get some socialeconomics status information by analyzing the mail.

This one is taken from the process of sorting paper bag. In this bag, we also found out some food related paper trash which helps us to analyze the consumerist habits. For example, this household had comsume a huge amount of blueberry drink of the same brand(left bottom of the photo).

This is a secondary source that i found interesting. The trash were put like human being shape, and the shadow of the trash shows two people are smkoing and drink. The photo indicated that all the trash that people dispose are from our dailylife. We need to try to decrease the amount of trash we comsume everyday.

Another source i found is this one which have a trash mountain. We can see from the photo that there are some works sorting the trash. This site might be a particular place that is used to dispose all the trash in a city or an community. I think by sorting the trash, and making recycling bag would really help all these works to diminishing their working duties. It is hard to them to climb on the trash mountain and works in the suffer the smell of the trash.

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