Artwork Influenced by Mental Illness

“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and lost my mind in the process.”  — Vincent Van Gogh Visual artwork tends to be the translation and expression of raw emotion onto a canvas. Throughout history mental illnesses have been projected through artwork, by many renowned artists. Three of the most prominent artists…

The World is Made from Creativity

When I was little, my family would always tell me I had such a creative imagination. I would run up and down the street with my best friend pretending we were saving the world and hiding from government spies. When I got older, however, I realized that no one talked about creativity anymore. When I…

What Does Singing Benefit Us?

Singing has been part of my life for over 10 years. From fourth grade, when I first joined the school choir, I did not realize that it would be my interest lasting for years. Singing brings me happiness, satisfaction, but gets me into fret as well. When I feel depressed, recording myself singing always heals…

Vision Underwater

In class, we talked about the evolution of vision and also how vision varies between different species and kinds in nature. I have always been fascinated by the ocean since the very beginning. As a scuba diver, I have personally had many experiences in open water and known that the environment underwater can be extremely…

Art and Its Effect on Anxiety and Mental Illness

Although he is well-known for paintings such as The Starry Night and Cypresses, artist Vincent van Gogh’s life was not as bright and beautiful as his canvases made it seem. Van Gogh suffered from a variety of mental disorders throughout his lifetime, including depression and mania. What most people do not know, however, is that some of Van Gogh’s…

Beauty and Brains

When I was younger, my parents took my twin sister and me to Rome, Italy. When I arrived, the only things on my mind were pizza, pasta, and gelato, but one event of this trip that has always stuck with me was visiting the Sistine Chapel. I remember craning my neck to see the intricate…

The Eye, The Sight, and The Problems

From a very young age, whenever I was watching the television, or reading a book, I would always have it right up to my face. Due to this, my mom thought it was just a bad habit, and that if I did not fix this habit, I would develop problems in my vision. Little did…

Art of vision, what is the true color

Candy Gao Dr. O’Toole Freshman Seminar BIOL190 September 25th, 2020 When asked about the color of an object. It is easy for us to conclude that one is orange, blue, green, red, pink, grey, or etcetera. From what we have come to understand today, color is photons traveling in waves of varying wavelengths reflected and…

How Can Our Brain Sense Taste?

A few days before moving on campus my sister and I attempted to make bread for the first time and it went much better than either of us expected. After spending half the day making the dough, proofing it, kneading it, proofing it again, and finally baking it, the satisfaction we felt while consuming the…

The Biggest Mystery in Evolution: The Origin of Insect Flight

Growing up, I’ve always had a fascination for insects, including spiders, praying mantis’, moths, etc. When my friends ran away from a beetle on the playground, I always wanted to examine it and see how they worked. As I was walking around campus last week I found the first cicada I saw of the season….