Sugar Crush

I have been an athlete my entire life, and in being one, I have always justified my high-sugar diet. I ate the cupcake, candy bar, or brownie because on a given day, I had either already “earned it” or was going to make sure I “burned it off”.  I thought that because I didn’t gamble,…

The Subjectivity of Taste

When I was a young child, my mother tried to get me to eat healthy foods. She would try to disguise vegetables as snacks or meat by simply saying they were something that looked similar. Carrots became cheese, broccoli became cauliflower (I used to like cauliflower), and tomatoes became cherries. Somehow, my mother was able…

The Way To Someone’s Stomach Is Through Their Brain!

As the semester comes to an end, my friends have started to reflect on the good and the bad of our semester together. We usually partake in this activity at meals and go one by one around the table to share our thoughts. We discuss classes, places we explored together, and more often than not,…

The Power of Perception

Every person in this world is different, but I think that there is one thing we can all agree on: commercial breaks are the worst. There is nothing I despise more than watching my favorite reality television show as the host delivers the dreaded line, “we will find out who gets eliminated… after these short messages.” I…

Food and Brain Health

Let’s talk about food.  It’s not an unpopular opinion to like, or even be obsessed with food. And most people strive to eat the things that they find the most delicious.  Also, most everyone knows that foods that are processed and high in fat are not the best for your body.  However, I found it…

How do we taste?

In the chapter 3 Auguste Escoffier, The Essence of Taste from the novel Proust was a neuroscientist by Jonah Lehrer, the famous discovery of a fifth taste is explained. Kikunae Ikeda discovered that the tongue is not only able to taste food that is sour, bitter, sweet, and salty but as well umami, which means…