Chief Medical Officer – Fora Health
Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine – Oregon Health and Science University
Dr. Jessica Gregg received her medical degree from the University of New Mexico and Doctorate in Medical Anthropology from Emory University. Her dissertation was later published into a book titled Virtually Virgins: Sexual Strategies and Cervical Cancer in Recife, Brazil.
Dr. Gregg is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Fora Health Treatment & Recovery (formerly De Paul Treatment Centers), an organization focused on providing care for those affected by substance use disorder. She is also an Associate Professor at Oregon Health and Science University. She is board certified in internal medicine and addiction medicine. In her previous roles at OHSU, her research focused on social and cultural barriers to disease prevention among underserved populations in Oregon. Before becoming Chief Medical Officer at Fora Health, Dr. Gregg served as the Associate Director of the OHSU Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program and served as Medical Director for OHSU’s addiction medicine clinic. |
- Englander, Honora & Patten, Alisa & Gregg, Jessica. (2021). Collaboration in a time of crisis: Adapting a telementoring ECHO for addiction leaders during COVID-19. Substance Abuse. 1-4. 10.1080/08897077.2021.1975865.
- Englander, Honora & Gregg, Jessica & Gullickson, Janie & Cochran-Dumas, Onesha & Colasurdo, Chris & Alla, Juliet & Collins, Devin & Nicolaidis, Christina. (2019). Recommendations for integrating peer mentors in hospital-based addiction care. Substance abuse. 41. 1-6. 10.1080/08897077.2019.1635968.
- Iles-Shih, Matthew & Sve, Chuck & Solotaroff, Rachel & Bruno, Richard & Gregg, Jessica. (2011). Health and Illness in Context: A Pragmatic, Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning Applied Public Health Within an Urban Safety Net System. Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP. 17. 308-12. 10.1097/PHH.0b013e31820f8e56.
- Gregg, Jessica & Solotaroff, Rachel & Amann, Ted & Michael, Yvonne & Bowen, Judith. (2008). Health and Disease in Context: A Community-Based Social Medicine Curriculum. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 83. 14-9. 10.1097/ACM.0b013e31815c67f0.
- Gregg, Jessica & Saha, Somnath. (2007). Communicative Competence: A Framework for Understanding Language Barriers in Health Care. Journal of general internal medicine. 22 Suppl 2. 368-70. 10.1007/s11606-007-0364-4.