Reflection on West End Service Event

I arrived at this service event late, but when I walked up to the West End train station, it was clear that the combination of sun, coloring, and music made the atmosphere. We worked with some kids to make newspaper pots, which brought out my inner child as well. We colored together, and it was…

Rukmini’s WAWA Service Reflection

At this service event, I learned a lot about adapting. Both the nature of community work and of outdoor organizing is that unexpected situations are to be expected. When we went into this event, we did not expect to adapt our educational games to college students, or to do work outside like pulling English Ivy….

Photographs of Old Atlanta Prison Farm

The archival material I chose to focus on were a collection of photographs across the years on the site of the Old Atlanta Prison Farm. The Old Atlanta Prison Farm is the site that the City of Atlanta has allowed the Atlanta Police Foundation to lease for the construction of the Public Safety Training Center,…