From Butts in the Pews to Views: How to Calculate Online Worship Attendance

From “Butts in the Pews” to Views: How to Calculate Online Worship Attendance COVID-19 Worship Changes In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a drastic change in worship practices for Florence Continue Reading

Reshaping The Church’s Ministry to Incarcerated Persons and their Families

The church’s responsibility to the children of the incarcerated Ministry to the Fatherless and Motherless Introduction As the Director of Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries’ Transition to Work Program in Continue Reading

Appreciative Itineracy

You want me to go where??? One of the distinguishing characteristics of pastoral ministry in the United Methodist Church is itineracy.  Pastors within United Methodist structures are “appointed” to churches Continue Reading

The Destructive Forces of Colonization: Three Things You Need to Know About Haitian History & Why it Matters

When Haiti is mentioned, what immediately comes to mind? Despite being home to an ongoing humanitarian crisis, Haiti remains largely “out of sight, out of mind” in North America. When Haitian news Continue Reading

Presence and Processing: Supportive Spirituality for Nurses During a Pandemic

Explanation of the Project What began as an attempt to understand how spirituality could be an asset to healthcare staff evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic into interventions to embrace spirituality Continue Reading