These Ancient Words: Preaching so the Bible Can Speak

The Design of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the governing document of our denomination, begins with a Preamble that also serves as an affirmation of faith. It reads, in Continue Reading

Worship and the Lament – Recasting Lament as Worship

In her book, “Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining” [1] Author Shelly Rambo draws forward the experiences of Holy Saturday–the space between Jesus’s death and Jesus’s resurrection. If the Continue Reading

Behind, In, In Front of

  Behind, In, In Front of A Study in Communal Hermeneutics Introduction Upon taking the reins as the pastor of a small United Methodist congregation in Westfield, NY, I quickly Continue Reading

Reading the Bible with Rembrandt: Exploring Interpretation through Art

“When Mary is greeted by the angel Gabriel, where is she and what is she doing? How do you imagine her?”  I posed these questions to the students, after we had Continue Reading