Answering the Cry: Exorcism in the Orthodox Church

The Question of Exorcism In 1974, then Archbishop Iakovos spoke publicly about the importance of exorcism in cases of purported demonic possession.1 That public pronouncement, by a standing Archbishop of Continue Reading

When the Pastor leaves:  Congregational Grief in Pastoral Transition

Well, there goes another pastor! As the members of First Church woke Sunday morning, they were excited about another Sunday morning worship. This small, rural, aging congregation has had its Continue Reading

Re-membering Who We Are: Congregational Care in the Face of Dementia

By Jared R. Wortman Background Bread and cup are lifted high above the expansive marble altar every week at Peachtree Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Atlanta, Georgia. The Eucharist liturgy Continue Reading

The Importance of Reflexivity in Cultivating Pastoral Preaching in Response to Communal Trauma

Laying down your life means making your own faith and doubt, hope and despair, joy and sadness, courage and fear available to others as ways of getting in touch with Continue Reading