Spirituality in Secular Spaces: A Practical Missional Ecclesiology

Spirituality in Secular Spaces: The Challenge As religiosity shifts in our contemporary culture, the Church must shift its perspective to ensure that an orthodox but adaptive future is possible. We Continue Reading

Belonging in Online Bible Study

Introduction One of my fondest memories is when my mother would take my sister and me window shopping at Christmas time. We would marvel at the displays and be fascinated Continue Reading

Answering the Cry: Exorcism in the Orthodox Church

The Question of Exorcism In 1974, then Archbishop Iakovos spoke publicly about the importance of exorcism in cases of purported demonic possession.1 That public pronouncement, by a standing Archbishop of Continue Reading

Another Way to Worship: C.A.R.E. Informed Congregational Engagement as Sustained Community

  In my role with the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE), I create spiritually formative experiences for young leaders aged eighteen to thirty.  Our gatherings create the conditions for participants Continue Reading

Worship and the Lament – Recasting Lament as Worship

In her book, “Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining” [1] Author Shelly Rambo draws forward the experiences of Holy Saturday–the space between Jesus’s death and Jesus’s resurrection. If the Continue Reading

From Butts in the Pews to Views: How to Calculate Online Worship Attendance

From “Butts in the Pews” to Views: How to Calculate Online Worship Attendance COVID-19 Worship Changes In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a drastic change in worship practices for Florence Continue Reading

Pastoral Prophetic Preaching: A Spiritual and Cultural Hermeneutic for Prophetic Speech

Sunday, September 20, 2015, I preached as the pastoral candidate of the Historic Shiloh Baptist Church of Alexandria, Virginia. The sermon was entitled “It Doesn’t Make Sense,” taken from Job Continue Reading

Campus Ministry Sustained

Today’s Class Will Meet on Zoom What the New Arms Race in Higher Education Means Believe me, before I entered the doctor of ministry program at Emory’s Candler School of Theology Continue Reading

Faith and Food Justice

Why the Peace Garden Project?   I was raised in the south in a pretty fundamentalist Baptist Church, and I have a Muslim sister. Though my beliefs are no longer Continue Reading