Style Guide 4: Later-order

One of the most common English language grammar later-order is the proper use of capitalization. “Only use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of a sentence.” A proper noun is defined as a “name” of a person, place, or a thing. I personally disagree with this later-order, especially with the word “only” which I think is too specific because capitalization can be used for other purposes. Story writers frequently tend to intentionally capitalize every letter of the word to gather reader’s attention. Additionally, capitalization at the beginning of the sentence is not as important as this later-order is saying, especially when there is a previous correct use of punctuation. And for proper nouns, since they are “proper” and very commonly known, the readers should not be affected by the lack of that. Therefore, to prove the unimportance of this grammatical concern, I will be disagreeing by illustrating my two main arguments: the use of capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of a sentence is not the “only” use of capitalization, and the absence of capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of a sentence does not affect the readers.

This later-order is missing one of the most important use of capital letters in stories; capitalization of every letter of the word in a sentence. Doing this, frequently affects  readers positively because it gathers their attention and make the story more interesting. The storium stories have numerous examples to illustrate this. However, looking at one example that effectively broke the grammatical concern to catch reader’s eyes can be found from the Unexpected Love, scene three, “I looked EVERYWHERE! I ran all over the school all lunch…she’s avoiding me, NO DOUBT” Although, the words “EVERYWHERE” and “NO DOUBT” are excessively breaking the grammatical concern, as a result, exaggeration and hooks are created. Which target the reader’s attention because of its relatively large visibility. Thus, unlike many grammatical rules that have consequences when are broken or are accidently broken by during writing.  In this case, writers intentionally break the rule to create exaggeration and gather reader’s, which is mostly effective. Additionally, since writers purposely spell one or more than one word in a sentence with only capital letters is not a rule breaker, instead it is an act of intelligence and being efficient. The perceptions of some writers that grammatical rules should never be broken is what makes some writings lack creativity, thus become boring. More over, those two words, “EVERYWHERE!”… “NO DOUBT.”are capitalized to demonstrate the importance of those words in the sentence.

In addition to the effectiveness of breaking the grammatical concern. The use of capitalization at the beginning of the sentence and for proper noun is not significant because it does not affect the readers whether it is broken or is correctly used, as long as there is a correct punctuation and the proper noun is commonly known. For example, “Dexter stands hunched in front of the tall glass door of Cinderella’s Diner, and produces a beaten sigh.”(Unexpected Love, scene 3).  “Cinderella’s Diner” is the name of the restaurant. The writer followed the later-order, however, it did not add or subtract to the word itself. If the reader is already aware of the noun “Cinderella” and “Diner” then there should be no confusions for whatsoever.

To briefly conclude, the grammatical rule concerning the use of capitalization-“Only use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of a sentence.” Two main arguments: the absence of the proper nouns capitalization is not significant because It does not add or subtract to the meaning of the “proper” nouns. As for the other purposes, capitalization is not “only” used for proper nouns and at the beginning of a sentence, but also to catch reader’s attention and creates exaggerations in the story. Therefore, it is more effective when the rule broken, and less effective when followed.

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