Publications (Trainees: *=undergraduate, **=graduate, ***=postdoc, ****=staff)
Barnett, KM**, B Hilgendorff, DJ Civitello, TA McMahon. Fungal metabolites provide pre-exposure protection but no post-exposure benefit or harm against Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. In press. Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Desautels, DJ**, RB Hartman****, ME Weber*, N Jacob*, A Sun*, DJ Civitello. 2022. Experimental water hyacinth invasion and destructive management increase human schistosome transmission potential. Ecological Applications.
Starkloff, NC***, RB Hartman****, DJ Civitello. 2022. Snail juvenile growth rate as a rapid predictor of the transmission potential of parasitizing human schistosomes. Experimental Parasitology. 242: 108378
Starkloff, NC*** and DJ Civitello. 2022. Cascading impacts of host seasonal adaptation on parasitism. Trends in Parasitology.
Desautels, DJ**, Y Wang*, A Ripp*, A Beaman*, S Andea*, RB Hartman****, DJ Civitello. 2022. Nutritional effects of invasive macrophyte detritus on Schistosoma mansoni infections in snail intermediate hosts. Hydrobiologia.
Nordheim, C, S Detmering, DJ Civitello, PTJ Johnson, JR Rohr, TA McMahon. 2022. Metabolites from the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis induce acquired resistance in Cuban treefrog tadpoles. Journal of Applied Ecology. 00, 1–6. https://
Koltz, AM, DJ Civitello, DJ Becker, SL Deem, AT Classen, BT Barton, M Brenn-White, ZE Johnson, S Kutz, M Malishev***, DL Preston, JT Vannatta, R Penczykowski, VO Ezenwa. 2022. Sublethal effects of parasitism on ruminants have cascading consequences for ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 119 (20), e2117381119
Civitello, DJ, T Angelo, KH Nguyen***, RB Hartman****, NC Starkloff***, MP Mahalila, J Charles, A Manrique*, BK Delius, LM Bradley**, RM Nisbet, S Kinung’hi, JR Rohr. Transmission potential of human schistosomes can be driven by resource competition among snail intermediate hosts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 119 (6) e2116512119.
Haggerty, CJE, NT Halstead, DJ Civitello, and JR Rohr. Reducing disease and producing food: Effects of 13 agrochemicals on snail biomass and human schistosomes. In press. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Desautels, DJ**, RB Hartman****, KE Shaw**, S Maduraiveeran*, and DJ Civitello. Divergent effects of invasive macrophytes on population dynamics of a snail intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. Acta Tropica. 225: 106226
Mendiola SY, KS Stoy, S DiSalvo, DJ Civitello, NM Gerardo. Competitive exclusion of phytopathogenic Serratia marcescens from squash bug vectors by the gut endosymbiont Caballeronia. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 88 (1), e01550-21
Rumschlag, S, S Roth, TA McMahon, JR Rohr, and DJ Civitello. Environmental persistence but not per capita transmission rates of a chytrid fungus determines infection prevalence. Journal of Animal Ecology. 91: 170-181.
Nguyen, KH, EC Rynkiewicz, and DJ Civitello. Simulating parasite transmission and epidemics using contact networks. In press. Advances in Biology Laboratory Education.
Shaw, KE** and DJ Civitello. Reemphasizing mechanism in the community ecology of disease. Functional Ecology. 35: 2376-2386.
Barnett, KM**, SE Detmering, TM McMahon, and DJ Civitello. Asymmetric cross-strain protection for amphibians exposed to a fungal-metabolite prophylactic treatment. Biology Letters. 17: 20210207
Ezenwa, V, DJ Civitello, AT Classen, BT Barton, DJ Becker, M Brenn-White, SL Deem, ZE Johnson, S Kutz, M Malishev***, RM Penczykowski, DL Preston, JT Vannatta, A Koltz. 2021. Response to Charlier et al. Climate-disease feedbacks mediated by livestock are plausible. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. S0169-5347 (21) 00105-1.
Civitello, DJ and RB Hartman****. Size-asymmetric competition among snails disrupts production of human-infectious Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. Ecology.
Nguyen, KH, PH Boersch-Supan, SY Mendiola**, RB Hartman****, VJ Harwood, DJ Civitello, and JR Rohr. Interventions can shift the thermal optimum for disease: Evidence from human schistosomiasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 118: e2017537118.
Schaber KL, TA Perkins, AL Lloyd, LA Waller, U Kitron, VA Paz-Soldan, JP Elder, AL Rothman, DJ Civitello, WH Elson, AC Morrison, TW Scott, GM Vazquez-Prokopec. Disease-driven reduction in human mobility influences human-mosquito contacts and dengue transmission dynamics. (online early). PLOS Computational Biology
Barnett, KM** and DJ Civitello. 2020. Ecological and evolutionary challenges for wildlife vaccination. Trends in Parasitology. 36: 970-978.
Ezenwa, V, DJ Civitello, B Barton, D Becker, M Brenn-White, A Classen, S Deem, Z Johnson, S Kutz, M Malishev***, R Penczykowski, D Preston, JT Vannatta, A Koltz. 2020. Infectious diseases, livestock and methane: an impending vicious cycle? Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 35: 959-962
Nguyen, JT*, DJ Civitello, and KH Nguyen***. 2020. Evaluating environmental drivers of disease outbreaks from seasonal trends. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, Vol. 16: Practice #1 [online].
Haggerty CJE, S Bakhoum, DJ Civitello, GA De Leo, N Jouanard, RA Ndione, JV Remais, G Riveau, S Senghor, SH Sokolow, S Sow, C Wolfe, CL Wood, I Jones, AJ Chamberlin, JR Rohr. 2020. Aquatic macrophytes and macroinvertebrate predators affect densities of schistosome cercariae, the parasitic life stage causing human schistosomiasis. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 14: e0008417
Malishev, M*** and DJ Civitello. 2020. Modelling how resource competition among snail hosts affects the mollusciciding frequency and intensity needed to control human schistosomes. Functional Ecology. 34: 1678-1689.
Sauer, EL, JM Cohen, MJ Lajeunesse, TA McMahon, DJ Civitello, SA Knutie, K Nguyen, EA Roznik, BF Sears, S Bessler, BK Delius, N Halstead, N Ortega, MD Venesky, S Young, JR Rohr. 2020. A meta-analysis reveals temperature, dose, life stage, and taxonomy influence host susceptibility to a fungal parasite. Ecology. 101: e02979
Mendiola SY**, DJ Civitello, NM Gerardo. 2020. An integrative approach to symbiont-mediated vector control for agricultural pathogens. Current Opinions in Insect Science. 39:57-62.
Civitello, DJ, LH Baker*, S Maduraiveeran*, RB Hartman****. 2020. Resource fluctuations inhibit the reproduction and virulence of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni in its snail intermediate host. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 287: 20192446.
Evans, TS, Z Shi, M Boots, W Liu, KJ Olival, X Xiao, S Vandewoude, H Brown, J-L Chen, DJ Civitello, L Escobar, Y Grohn, H Li, K Lips, Q Liu, J Lu, B Martinez-Lopez, J Shi, X Shi, B Xu, L Yuan, G Zhu, WM Getz. 2020. Synergistic China-US Ecological Research is Essential for Global Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness EcoHealth.
Rohr, JR, DJ Civitello, PJ Hudson, KD Lafferty, CL Wood, EA Mordecai. 2020. Toward common ground in the biodiversity–disease debate. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 4: 24-33.
Strauss, AT, JL Hite, DJ Civitello, MS Shocket, CE Cáceres, SR Hall. 2019. Genotypic covariation in mechanistic, non-linear components of parasite transmission. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 286: 20192164.
Malishev, M*** and DJ Civitello. 2019. Linking bioenergetics and parasite transmission models suggests mismatch between snail host density and production of human schistosomes. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59: 1243-1252.
Rohr JR, DJ Civitello, J Cohen, EA Roznik, B Sinervo, and A Dell. 2019. Different metrics of thermal acclimation yield similar effects of latitude, acclimation duration, and body mass on acclimation capacities. Global Change Biology. 25: e3-e4.
Rohr, JR, CB Barrett, DJ Civitello, ME Craft, B Delius, G DeLeo, PJ Hudson, N Jouanard, K Nguyen, RS Ostfeld, JV Remais, G Riveau, SH Sokolow, D Tilman. 2019. Emerging human infectious diseases and the links to global food production. Nature Sustainability. 2: 445-456.
Cohen, J, TA McMahon, C Ramsey, N Halstead, N Ortega, EL Sauer, S Bessler, DJ Civitello, B Delius, SA Knutie, K Nguyen, EA Roznik, B Sears, MD Venesky, S Young, JR Rohr. 2019. Impacts of thermal mismatches on disease prevalence are moderated by life stage, body size, elevation and latitude. Ecology Letters. 22: 817-825. (Cover article)
Cohen, J, DJ Civitello, MD Venesky, TA McMahon, JR Rohr. 2019. An interaction between climate change and infectious disease drove widespread amphibian extinctions. Global Change Biology. 25: 927-937.
Rohr, JR, DJ Civitello, J Cohen, EA Roznik, B Sinervo, and A Dell. 2018. The complex drivers of thermal acclimation and breadth in ectotherms. Ecology Letters. 21: 1425-1439.
Civitello, DJ, H Fatima*, LR Johnson, RM Nisbet, and JR Rohr. 2018. Bioenergetic theory predicts infection dynamics of human schistosomes in intermediate host snails across ecological gradients. Ecology Letters 21:692-701.
Halstead, NT, CM Hoover, A Arakala, DJ Civitello, GA De Leo, M Gambhir, SA Johnson, KA Loerns, TA McMahon, TR Raffel, JV Remais, SH Sokolow, and JR Rohr. 2018. Agrochemical pollution increases risk of human exposure to schistosome parasites. Nature Communications 9:837 1-10.
Civitello, DJ, BE Allman**, C Morozumi**, and JR Rohr. 2018. Assessing the direct and indirect effects of food provisioning and nutrient enrichment on wildlife infectious disease dynamics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Invited for special feature). 373:20170101 1-9.
Shocket, MS, AT Strauss, JL Hite, M Šljivar, DJ Civitello, MA Duffy, CE Cáceres, and SR Hall. 2018. Temperature drives epidemics in a zooplankton-fungus disease system: a trait-driven approach points to transmission via host foraging. American Naturalist 191:435-451.
Diaz-Almeyda, EM, C Prada, AH Ohdera, H Moran, DJ Civitello, R Iglesias-Prieto, TA Carlo, TC LaJuenesse, and M Medina. 2017. Intraspecific and interspecific variation in thermotolerance and photoacclimation in Symbiodinium dinoflagellates. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 284:20171767.
Cohen, J, M Venesky, E Sauer, DJ Civitello, T McMahon, B Roznik, JR Rohr. 2017. The thermal mismatch hypothesis explains host susceptibility to an emerging infectious disease. Ecology Letters. 20:184-193. (Cover article).
Cohen, J, DJ Civitello, A Brace, E Feichtinger, CN Ortega, E Sauer, X Liu, JR Rohr. 2016. Spatial scale modulates the strength of ecological processes driving disease distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 113: E3359-3364.
Strauss AT, MS Shocket, DJ Civitello, JL Hite, RM Penczykowski, MA Duffy, CE Cáceres, SR Hall. Habitat, predators, and hosts regulate disease in Daphnia through direct and indirect pathways. 2016. Ecological Monographs 86:393-411.
Civitello, DJ, J Cohen, H Fatima*, N Halstead, TA McMahon, CN Ortega, E Sauer, S Young, JR Rohr. 2015. Reply to Salkeld et al.: Diversity-disease patterns are robust to study design, selection criteria, and publication bias. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (online only).
Gervasi, SS, DJ Civitello, HJ Kilvitis, LB Martin. The context of competency: a role for plasticity in host-parasite dynamics. 2015. Trends in Parasitology. 31:419-425
Strauss, AT, DJ Civitello, CE Cáceres, SR Hall. 2015. Success, failure and ambiguity of the dilution effect among competitors. Ecology Letters 18:916-926.
Civitello, DJ, J Cohen, H Fatima*, N Halstead, J Liriano*, TA McMahon, CN Ortega, E Sauer, T Sehgal*, S Young, JR Rohr. 2015. Biodiversity inhibits natural enemies: Broad evidence for the dilution effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.112:8667-8671. (featured in commentaries in PNAS and Science, double star rating by Faculty 1000).
Halstead, NT, DJ Civitello, JR Rohr. 2015. Comparative toxicities of organophosphate and pyrethroid insecticides to aquatic macroathropods. Chemosphere. 135:265-271.
Civitello, DJ, AN Smith, RM Penczykowski, MS Shocket, MA Duffy, SR Hall. 2015. Resources, key traits, and the size of fungal epidemics in Daphnia populations. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84:1010-1017.
Wilson, C, TT Caughlin, DJ Civitello, SL Flory. 2015. Combining mesocosm and field experiments to predict invasive plant performance: A hierarchical Bayesian approach. Ecology. 96:1084-1092.
Rohr, JR, DJ Civitello, PW Crumrine, NT Halstead, AD Miller, AM Schotthoefer, C Stenoien, LB Johnson, VR Beasley. 2015. Predator diversity, intraguild predation, and indirect effects drive parasite transmission. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 112:3008-3013.
Latta, LC, M Peacock, DJ Civitello, JL Dudycha, J Meik, S Schaack. 2015. The phenotypic effects of spontaneous mutations in different environments. American Naturalist. 185:243-252.
McMahon, TA, BF Sears, MD Venesky, SM Bessler, JM Brown, K Deutsch, NT Halstead, G Lentz, N Tenouri, S Young, DJ Civitello, JS Fites, N Ortega, LK Reinert, LA Rollins-Smith, TR Raffel, JR Rohr. 2014. Amphibians acquire resistance to live and dead fungus overcoming fungal immunosuppression. Nature (Cover article). 511:224-227.
Civitello DJ and JR Rohr. 2014. Disentangling the effects of exposure and susceptibility on transmission of the zoonotic parasite, Schistosoma mansoni. Journal of Animal Ecology. 83:1379-1386.
Civitello DJ, JL Hite, SR Hall. 2014. Potassium enrichment stimulates the growth and reproduction of a clone of Daphnia dentifera. Oecologia. 175:773-780.
Penczykowski, RM, SR Hall, DJ Civitello, MA Duffy. 2014. Habitat structure and ecological drivers of disease. Limnology and Oceanography. 59:340-348
Civitello, DJ, S Pearsall*, MA Duffy, SR Hall. 2013. Parasite consumption and host interference can inhibit disease spread in dense populations. Ecology Letters. 16:626-634.
Civitello, DJ, RM Penczykowski, JL Hite, MA Duffy, SR Hall. 2013. Potassium stimulates fungal epidemics in Daphnia by increasing host and parasite reproduction. Ecology. 94:380-388.
Civitello, DJ, P Forys*, AP, Johnson, SR Hall. 2012. Chronic contamination decreases disease spread: a Daphnia-fungus-copper case study. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 279:3146-3153.
Duffy, MA, J Housley Ochs, RM Penczykowski, DJ Civitello, CA Klausmeier, SR Hall. 2012. Ecological context influences epidemic size and parasite-driven evolution. Science (Cover Article). 30:1636-1638.
Bozarth, CA, SL Lance, DJ Civitello, JL Glenn, JE Maldonado. 2011. Phylogeography of the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in the Eastern United States. Journal of Mammalogy (Cover Article). 92:283-294.
Civitello, DJ, E Rynkiewicz, K Clay. 2010. Meta-analysis of co-infections within ticks. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution (Invited for Special Feature). 56:417-431.
Weston-Glenn, J, DJ Civitello, SL Lance. 2009. Multiple paternity and kinship in the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). Mammalian Biology. 74:394-402
Civitello, DJ, SL Flory, K Clay. 2008. Exotic grass invasion reduces survival of Amblyomma americanum and Dermacentor variabilis ticks (Acari: Ixodidae). Journal of Medical Entomology. 6:867-872.
Clay, K, O Klyachko, N Grindle, D Civitello, D Oleske, C Fuqua. 2008. Microbial communities and interactions in the lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum. Molecular Ecology. 17:4371-4381.
Steiner, FE, RR Pinger, SN Vann, N Grindle, D Civitello, K Clay, C Fuqua. 2008. Infection and Co-infection Rates of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Variants, Babesia spp, Borrelia burgdorferi and the Rickettsial Endosymbiont in Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) from Sites in Indiana, Maine, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Journal of Medical Entomology. 45: 289-297.