First – Our research group focuses on supporting the development of more compassionate schools and school systems around the world through evidence-based programs, such as SEE (Social, Emotional, Ethical) Learning® and CBCT (Contemplative Based Compassion Training) for educators and any other programs that support this mission. We do this by determining implementation processes to improve feasibility, impact, and long-term sustainability at the school, district, city, and national levels.
Second – We aim to enhance understanding by developing tools and measures for assessing and implementing compassion-based education programs effectively.
Third – We aim to learn from and with our global research collaborators and to share this knowledge through manuals on high-impact implementation approaches that are effective and contextually relevant.
Fourth – We aim to contribute to compassion-based education studies worldwide through scientific advancements in the general understanding of compassion, common humanity, interdependence, secular ethics, and building more compassionate school systems.