

Our Mission

First – Our research group focuses on supporting the development of more compassionate schools and school systems around the world through evidence-based programs, such as SEE (Social, Emotional, Ethical) Learning® and CBCT (Contemplative Based Compassion Training) for educators and any other programs that support this mission. We do this by determining implementation processes to improve feasibility, impact, and long-term sustainability at the school, district, city, and national levels.
Second – We aim to enhance understanding by developing tools and measures for assessing and implementing compassion-based education programs effectively.
Third – We aim to learn from and with our global research collaborators and to share this knowledge through manuals on high-impact implementation approaches that are effective and contextually relevant.
Fourth – We aim to contribute to compassion-based education studies worldwide through scientific advancements in the general understanding of compassion, common humanity, interdependence, secular ethics, and building more compassionate school systems.

Who we are

The Compassion Lab aims to contribute to the science of compassion, secular ethics, and the cultivation of well-being within schools and school systems, in a way that is relevant to diverse cultural contexts.  Our team works to understand best practices in implementation, assessment, and education-based research. In collaboration with researchers around the world, we apply our collective knowledge to support many programs aimed at compassionate cultivation within education.
The Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics (CCSCBE) focuses on educating both heart and mind through a research-based approach. Its programs are based on a theoretical framework that cultivates competencies leading to prosocial behaviors and outcomes for individuals and societies, and the center actively showcases the effectiveness of these programs through innovative research. Emory University, a leading research university that strives to create, preserve, teach and apply knowledge in the service of humanity, has a diverse array of faculty that collaborates with the CCSCBE to teach classes, advise students, and conduct research relevant to the study of contemplative science and secular ethics. 
THE COMPASSION SHIFT is an initiative of Emory University’s Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics to promote human flourishing and advance a global culture of compassion through a research-based, scalable approach to the cultivation of compassion.  
SEE Learning® is a part of Emory University’s Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics.
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